Buckeye Breed Thread

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Maybe I should send you a bantam cockerel for "Tiny", so you can put some LF blood into the bantam lines (which would be A Good Thing.) Let me know if she ever starts to lay (sometimes the runts don't), and I will.
My first batch of 6 buckeye eggs are due to hatch on the 28th!!! Im super excited. I had some(6-8) eggs shipped in each week, so I have buckeyes hatching for the next 3 weeks. this week 6/6 fertile. next week I think 6/7 fertile hatching, and the ones hatching in 2 weeks, well I candle every wed!!!

Im still looking to get some more buckeye eggs REALLY SOON! I have 2 welsummer hens that went broody, and they are NOT GIVING UP!!!

I'll definately let you know if she starts laying...It would be neat to see the off spring....which of course, you would get first pick(s).

She is pretty bold, even at her size she "pushes" the others out of the way to get to the food and water and was one of the first to venture out into the run. I was almost afraid the walk way would pose problems....but it sure doesn't.
Bill, now you've got me wondering if there is any way that I put a buckeye bantam chick in with your order, but at their age when you got them, I would think one would notice.
But then some of my LF girls were a bit small according to Jen. I may consider placing the smallest LF pullets with my Bantam Buckeye male and see what happens. It would take a lot of culling on size, but would get the Buckeye true blood into the bantams. Has anyone else tried this? With Orpingtons, they actually bred the Orp down from the LF.
Thanks for the pm's about hatching eggs available. After reading the rest of the thread, I am thinking day old chicks might be a better option. Do any of you have chicks hatching in the next month?

I want to raise buckeyes alongside Muscovies, bourbon reds and guineas- do any of you have experience with your buckeyes in a mixed flock?

The amount of info here is just incredible and well worth the time-consuming read!
Daniel, it's going to be too hot to ship to/from most areas for about the next three months. I am sending out my last batch of chicks on Tuesday, then I will stop shipping until fall. Dave can tell you his sad tales of trying to ship during the summer, just doesn't work.

I'd be happy to send out hatching eggs, but again, heat is a factor, and on top of the stress shipping puts on eggs as it is, cannot guarantee anything will hatch.

Are there no breeders near you from whom you could purchase?
I have Buckeyes with Muscovy ducks, Buff Ducks and Crested mallards, Buff Geese and Guineas. Occasionly Buck gets excited and attempts to mate something, but mostly they all get along well.
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