Buckeye Breed Thread

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It's not usually very difficult to sell point of lay pullets. Craig's list, going to any shows? Got a "swap shop" or free ads on a local radio station or newspaper. I have had several people come to me asking for some, I wish I some to sell right now! Good luck. How many pullets/hens are you going to keep? Are you going to show?
Do you sell your culls as Buckeye's though? I guess if they have faults or something I wouldn't want anyone to breed them and then try to sell them as buckeyes. We are thinking about going to the Ohio National this fall to get the kids some more showing experience. Not sure if I will enter any Buckeyes yet. I will be keeping about 20ish pullets. I guess that means I only need 2 boys huh? At what age do you make decisions about which cockerels you are going to keep?
when they start crowing!
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I figure most of my culls as at least as good as some of the hatchery chicks out there, and I sell them as pet quality, I guess I could sell them as "red roosters" lol. With 20 girls I would probably keep at least 3 roos if you have the space, it's always nice in case something happens to one, and also you could keep different lines available. Swap out roos , wait a month and hatch and compare the chicks as they grow up. Some times two lines are compatible and sometimes two nice looking chickens will have some real loosers. If you are showing, and have the space, its nice to keep several extras if they are show quality simply because you never know when one will molt or break a toe or something, and you would still have something to show.
Evening All... facilities are king. If one has spaces for projects, it makes life fun and simple. the problem is where to go with who is a problem bird, or whatever the situation may be. More pens and more housing makes life easier. That's the hardest part of growing the flock, in my opinion.
Wish I had at least ten more pens....Just Sayin.
~ bigzio
Wow, what beautiful birds and, from what I read of their history, developed and named after my state! My question is: where can I find Buckeyes when I need to replace my flock? I live in southwestern Ohio. Thanks!
I have been going through my pens lately too, and to my dismay, a number of otherwise gorgeous pullets have black in their hackles. I am going to sell them locally as layer hens, already sold some this year, got $15 each (which I attribute to folks freaked out by the egg scare.)

Since I am fairly sure the black in the hackle is heritable, I am depressed. I will likely be getting rid of any females in my pens, pullets or hens, that have any black anywhere in their hackles. Happily, I have another pen of about 20 younger pullets who are showing no signs of it at all. So I have backup, just not as many to show this year as I would have liked.


Sarah, I'd put an ad on Craigslist offering them as laying hens. Ask at least $10 for them. You'll likely be overwhelmed with prospective buyers, I know I was!
I do not sell my cull birds as Buckeyes (although if pressed will tell folks what breed they came from, and will explain they are NOT suitable for breeding.) I just call them layer pullets or hens.
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