Buckeye Breed Thread

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I'm also a horse person (and breed them, too) and we covered cattle genetics in college. Dr. Congleton did not prepare me for chickens! But there is lots to discover here on BYC. Try a search for "spiral breeding" it's one of 2 methods I have found here on BYC for chickens. It may lead you to the other breeding pattern which I cannot Remember!

Equine gentics did not prepare me for chicken genetics. For starters, in mammals, gender of offspring is determine by the male by giving a Y gene. In chickens it is the female who determine gender??!!! WHAT!!!! I still don't get it!! Somebody tell how this happens!! Please!

First off heres an article on Line/ Spiral breeding chickens http://www.pathfindersfarm.com/Spiral.html . Also, to my knowledge, I am almost positive it is the male that determines the gender of the chicks.
Oh and heres a link to a chicken calculator that might help you out http://kippenjungle.nl/kruising.html
and a link about chicken genetics http://chickencolours.com/ i am being forgetful today..
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Nope, it is the female that determines the sex. Its real easy. just reverse everything you know about sex chromosomes and you'll understand. The rooster has the xx and the hen has the xy. So the rooster can only contribute the x. The hen can contribute an x or a y, so she determines the sex.
I too have my first Buckeye chicks - hatched 2 days ago. They are precocious little stinkers! They already recognize my hand in the brooder as a good thing and come running over. The oldest one just plain hops into my hand when I hold it down into the brooder! So, when do their combs start developing? Can you start telling sex by the way the tail feathers develop like you can in other breeds? I am utterly in love with these little babies!
Hi folks! I wanted to let anyone interested in Buckeyes that I have a free 9 month old roo posted in the sale/auction listings. I just have too many boys here, and my girls are getting really over bred. He is a hatchery bird, but he is very handsome. He actually liked sled riding with my boy this winter. Pretty funny stuff! If you're not looking for a "well bred" bird, who is very nice for hatchery stock, he's your guy. I am in Northeast Ohio, and would be willing to meet up with you within reasonable distance, or deliver him. Please let me know if you are interested.

Handsome boy!!!

Equine gentics did not prepare me for chicken genetics. For starters, in mammals, gender of offspring is determine by the male by giving a Y gene. In chickens it is the female who determine gender??!!! WHAT!!!! I still don't get it!! Somebody tell how this happens!! Please!

I would need to hear this from a professor to be sure. I remember advanced biology classes where fish change genders when there is a lack of the other gender, but it cannot change back. I'm not making this up!! Nature has a way of creating ways to keep the species going! Temperature will decide gender in crocidiles. Here on BYC the is talk of vinegar in the feedig water to effect gender produced. (I will set up an experiment on that one and test it!) I do not think millions of years of evolution would change one group of animals to the reverse of all the others. I wonder if I still have my college poultry book .. . . It just poppedinto my head a thread I was reading yesterday about barring were the boys are XX and the girls are muted so only X_--this supports the reversal, I think.
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Newbie to the group and looking for a source of Buckeye chicks, in the Austin, Texas area. While the chicks are in a brooder, I'll be building a chicken-tractor. When they get large enough, I plan on Copning(Caponizing?), which I will first practice prior to cleaning for the stew-pot...

Jeff F.
Cedar Creek, Tx.

Regarding the Hen is XY. Found an email address for a professor at the university that I attended , let's say, many years ago. It's the weekend, so we'll need to be patient and hope for a reply next week or so.

Anyone else expecting chicks soon? Punky Rooster offered to incubate some eggs for me. I'm so tempted!
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