Buckeye Breed Thread

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Jason Page.

What line of Buckeyes does Jason have?

Jay will likely respond here himself at some point, but it's my understanding he's working with Rhodes birds as a base, with perhaps other bloodlines put in as well.

I can't complain about his birds at all, I think they're very nice indeed!!!
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Not that I have anything against Haitian Missions, but I'd make sure his check/MO absolutely, positively clears before you send anything anywhere....
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Not that I have anything against Hatian Missions, but I'd make sure his check/MO absolutely, positively clears before you send anything anywhere....

LOL I am dealing with a christian organisation the money has been sent to paypal all funds have been recieved. I do not ever worry about others who might take advantage of me I walk with the Lord and he is my protector. It is not I who they must anwser to in the end.
Thank you for the consern though. John is from the states not from haiti He is just there helping to rebuild it.
And the vast majority of those who breed for SQ, breed for heritage qualities too, fwiw. The last thing I'd want is some hothouse flower Buckeye. All my birds that I show are bred to the Standard, and to retain the qualities that have made them such wonderful birds for the small homestead.

An interesting thing Bob Gilbert and I are seeing in both our flocks (which have common blood) is an increase in the size of the eggs we're getting. I've been breeding to do that (among other things) so it's a pleasure to know it's working. I don't breed SOLELY for egg size, but consider the whole process like working with a mobile, have to keep all the elements in balance or it tilts too far to one side and is worthless.

So rest assured, the best of those breeding SQ birds are also keeping in mind the very heritage qualities you're working towards as well. No one has to show, certainly. But those of us who do, work hard to keep the good stuff in our lines.

I've always said the day I have to AI a bird is the day I get out of the breed, or start over. If a male can't reproduce himself, there's something wrong.

And fwiw, the fun part about shows is meeting and talking with others who share your love of a given breed. I don't go to shows to win, I go for the fellowship. Really.
Remember, we are to be as gentle as a dove *and* as wise as a serpent. "Funds" sent to paypal are yours only if they sent a cash transfer. Otherwise, the buyer can have it reversed if they decide they're unhappy with your product for any reason... I'm just sayin'.
And the vast majority of those who breed for SQ, breed for heritage qualities too, fwiw. The last thing I'd want is some hothouse flower Buckeye. All my birds that I show are bred to the Standard, and to retain the qualities that have made them such wonderful birds for the small homestead.

An interesting thing Bob Gilbert and I are seeing in both our flocks (which have common blood) is an increase in the size of the eggs we're getting. I've been breeding to do that (among other things) so it's a pleasure to know it's working. I don't breed SOLELY for egg size, but consider the whole process like working with a mobile, have to keep all the elements in balance or it tilts too far to one side and is worthless.

So rest assured, the best of those breeding SQ birds are also keeping in mind the very heritage qualities you're working towards as well. No one has to show, certainly. But those of us who do, work hard to keep the good stuff in our lines.

I've always said the day I have to AI a bird is the day I get out of the breed, or start over. If a male can't reproduce himself, there's something wrong.

And fwiw, the fun part about shows is meeting and talking with others who share your love of a given breed. I don't go to shows to win, I go for the fellowship. Really.

In my journeys I have met some really arrogent show people and I am not even refering to Buckeye breeders. as I raise several different breeds. Alot of people boast at how good there birds are. and how many shows they have won (definatly not directed to you Laura you have to be one of the most informant and passionate people I have ever met.) then sell you birds that are horrible. for example you have better chances joining the mexican mafia then you do finding good show quality Standard Cornish. I kow that show breeders breed for standard. But must a person truly show there birds to be considered breeding to the SOP? is that a life that you must follow in order to have and maintain Good Quality birds? I dont have small backyard flocks I am a Certified hatchery and Poultry Farm I run a business and the last thing I see myself having time for is traveling the world chasing wins and trophys. Maybe when I am older and retired but as of now I am a young pup running a growing business all on my own.
I would rather sell a bird to you and you win a show and be proud of it then me. Maybe The showring is something to look towards in the future. But for now I got to breed, cull breed, cull and build my foundation. I meant nothing by saying I rather have a heritage bird over a show bird. I only meant showing isnt my sport. that doesnt make my flocks any less heritage then the next man I believe. we can argue for days but there are some breeders who are only for show and they dont care about you or your birds. they only care about the winning circle. and will sell you there trash in a heartbeat.

I shipped a load of buckeyes to him, dunno if he butchered them or showed them or what but if its Jason Page from Chicopee, MA he received some of my buckeyes.
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I shipped a load of buckeyes to him, dunno if he butchered them or showed them or what but if its Jason Page from Chicopee, MA he received some of my buckeyes.

Yep that's him.
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