Buckeye Breed Thread

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Nice bird
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26 happy and healthy Buckeyes from Pathfinders!

These are our first Buckeyes, and we are really enjoying them! They are extremely friendly, and come running when they see someone. They enjoy being held and geting a back rub, and food! One disappeared the other day, only to be found in the chick feed bag. How it managed to escape the brooder, and end up there
But, it had eaten itself into a contented stupor, and was sound asleep.
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26 happy and healthy Buckeyes from Pathfinders!

These are our first Buckeyes, and we are really enjoying them! They are extremely friendly, and come running when they see someone. They enjoy being held and geting a back rub, and food! One disappeared the other day, only to be found in the chick feed bag. How it managed to escape the brooder, and end up there
But, it had eaten itself into a contented stupor, and was sound asleep.

I too am really enjoying mine. Very nice chicks.
Hi folks, popped in off the boat to say my granddaughter did a science project on chick feed. She raised one group of Bantam Faverolles on regular chick starter and another group on game bird grower for one month. The game bird grower group gained twice as much as the chick starter group.
Water under the house is at chest level. teaser pic:

have a thread here with sequential pictures here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=491916&p=1

everyone moved except the Buckeye roosters from the goat pen. They are now roaming the porch. Had to boat under the house and rescue one when we came in.. They get in fights and one will take to the water and swim, yes I said swim, to a floating object to get away. I was amazed at how well they can swim. They get water logged pretty fast, though, but I saw one swim about 100 ft. before reaching the stair to get out.
Here they are, 6 days old, sorry about the quality of the pics. The camera takes better pictures outside.



Sorry about the little chick. These days I seldom help a chick out of the shell. It sounds cold, but as long as the environment has been correct for chicks to hatch (no loss of humidity), my theory is that any chick that can't get out on its own is not one I want to breed from someday.

It's hard, for sure. But keeping vigor is important. Most of my Buckeyes fairly jump out of their shells. I am working to keep that vigor in my line.
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