Buckeye Breed Thread

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Very nice boy Chris, congrats on your awesome win! Glad you had such a great turn out of birds for the Special Meet, great job. Marci
He's just the way I like 'em Chris; tall, dark and handsome.
It’s been a crazy week. Monday was a holiday, Tuesday I was without power all day, Wednesday was playing catch up and power went off 3x, and today we lost power about Noon with it just coming back on not long ago. Plus all the snow is causing havoc and making my rounds with the birds is taking me 2-3x as long.

So I haven't been on here at all this week but wanted to pop in quickly and say "Congratulatons!" Chris. Nice bird!

God Bless,
Congrats Chris. What a nice bird. I will be coming back to study and compare him to my own birds once they reach maturity.

I have NEVER given my birds any MEAT based feed.

If you have issues of chicks eating so much feed, I ask 2 questions 1) compared to what?
and 2) do your birds have free range & pasture grasses ?

Sorry, just realized you asked me questions - if you read this tread you will see it is recommend to feed a meat-based protein ration to Buckeyes to achieve maximum potential. My thinking is, if a meat-based protein makes such a difference, straight meat in the diet will also be beneficial. All my chicken breeds love meat and get it as a treat, especially now when there are no bugs to be found.

I am comparing the Buckeyes to all the other birds I own, a variety of large and bantam breeds. From chicks to now they consume more than other breeds and leave little waste.

The Buckeyes do have access to free range, but we are in the middle of winter here - not much edible to be found unless I provide it.
Here is a picture taken Sunday of my Buckeye Cockerel that won BB, CH American & Champion Large Fowl at the NEGAPFA Show in Jefferson, GA this past weekend (and an ABPC Special Meet). The Buckeyes were very competitive. There were 18 Buckeyes shown (9 cockerels, 6 pullets, 2 hens and 1 cock) -- last year at the same show there were only my 3 Buckeyes -- what an improvement! This cockerel weighed exactly 8 lbs when I weighed him 1 week before the show. Just to demonstrate that size is not everything, I had two other cockerels in the show that topped 9 lbs.

The Judge at the show was Jim Adkins (NC) who breeds Buckeyes and other heritage breeds himself. He is an International Poultry Judge as well. I was very eager to see what he thought of my Buckeyes because he had never judged mine before. For this male, he wrote, "+TYPE" and "+HEAD" on the coop tag. I named him "Tuscaloosa" after the historical, 7 foot tall Chief Tuscaloosa of the Choctaw (aka as "Black Warrior") who encountered the Spanish explorer, De Soto, & his expedition in Alabama as well as the hometown of the Crimson Tide Football team (who of course, the same week, won the BCS Championship). I wanted to share with my friends here.

Chris McCary

How old is he Chris ?I
Think I have his brother here...I hope !
Tuscaloosa is gorgeous !
Check out the body shape/broad breast, they could be twins....I hope I hope !
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