Buckeye Breed Thread

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Wow, you have alot to answer this time of year Chris !!!
Hugs to you & hope you and YOURs are doing well !!

About all of my hens have gone broody in the last week~~~~~~~~~~~ and that is that, no more eggs for sale
Poltroon ~ Congrats to your daughter!

Thank you everyone for your thoughts on the white feather. I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens. Of course, it is on a nice cockerel I had been keeping close tabs on for showing. Perhaps it will fall out as he gets adult feathering. He is big enough to be good eating if the worst comes to pass.
On February 7 I drove over to Duane Urch's place and picked up my 15 Buckeyes, 10 Welsummers and 5 Ameraucanas.

The Buckeyes are now climbing all over each other to get to my hands as I do the chores. I do not treat them yet, so I suspect I have a whole lot of bold Buckeye boys in there.

They are growing fast on Purina Gamebird Starter (selected for the protein content).

These were mighty expensive chickies, so I hope we are doing everything right.

Looks like only 3 Welsummer girls out of the 10. That's how the egg hatches.
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All the Buckeyes - girls and boys - come running to see me whenever I go out. It's quite striking, really. I don't let them free range all the time, only when we're home and someone is able to keep an eye out for them. At first I worried that they'd be a pain to round up when I needed to go do something else. But no, as soon as I go outside, they all come running at me, (and in a friendly, not scary way). It's adorable. :)
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My Bucks, at chick stage or months later, at started bird stage, and even as adults, will jump into my arms...hands, whatever to be near me, and are not happy until I hold them close & snuggle, Cockerels or pullets, old or young.
It is amazing how friendly they are.....
That said...I wondered if they had just 'imprinted' me as ducks, geese can do.
Not so...they will jump into anyone's arms helping me out here on our farm...little lovers, each & every one !
Congrats on your photo! Nice to see Buckeye chicks up there. Photography has never been one of my strong points. I admire anyone who can capture the right frame or in your case, the poses of little chicks in their moment.
If there is anyone here wanting to show Buckeyes for 4H at your county fair, here is some interesting information from Morrow County (Mount Gilead, OH)

The poultry board for Morrow County has opened up a new class for broilers this year called for "Heritage" birds. Apparently, there were some folks really wanting to show their chickens, but couldn't compete with the Cornish cross broilers on their hatch dates. So they created three classes to include free ranging chickens in addition to the normal broilers:

Cornish Cross - 7/2 - 7/16 hatch dates
Redbros (Freedom Ranger for you JM Hatchery fans) - 6/4 - 6/11 hatch dates
Heritage (AOB) - 4/9 - 5/7 hatch dates

This is brand new for them and they are curious to see what the turnout is and how they do. I wasn't going to let my son enter a broiler this year because they aren't very interesting as far as chickens go. With the new Heritage class, I'll see if I can talk him into showing Buckeye broilers.

I think this is a great opportunity to publicize dual purpose birds in general and Buckeyes in particular. Folks in Ohio or elsewhere might want to keep an eye on the Morrow Co. fair and see if this is something you can get started in your county. Heritage breeds need all the publicity they can get.
Good luck to your son and hope he enjoys the heritage project. Post # 4000 is an awesome place to be!!!

If there is anyone here wanting to show Buckeyes for 4H at your county fair, here is some interesting information from Morrow County (Mount Gilead, OH)

The poultry board for Morrow County has opened up a new class for broilers this year called for "Heritage" birds. Apparently, there were some folks really wanting to show their chickens, but couldn't compete with the Cornish cross broilers on their hatch dates. So they created three classes to include free ranging chickens in addition to the normal broilers:

Cornish Cross - 7/2 - 7/16 hatch dates
Redbros (Freedom Ranger for you JM Hatchery fans) - 6/4 - 6/11 hatch dates
Heritage (AOB) - 4/9 - 5/7 hatch dates

This is brand new for them and they are curious to see what the turnout is and how they do. I wasn't going to let my son enter a broiler this year because they aren't very interesting as far as chickens go. With the new Heritage class, I'll see if I can talk him into showing Buckeye broilers.

I think this is a great opportunity to publicize dual purpose birds in general and Buckeyes in particular. Folks in Ohio or elsewhere might want to keep an eye on the Morrow Co. fair and see if this is something you can get started in your county. Heritage breeds need all the publicity they can get.
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