Budgie Eggs!


Pair #1 lost one of their babies. Not sure why, why it seems starved. The crop is completely empty and it's head and belly feel jello like. It's all because of that mom of theirs. She was a terrible mum before, but I gave her a secons chance and she disappointed me a lot. Her eggs should've also hatched but didnt. If they are infertile, it's gonna be sad for her. I understood why she could make 3 babies survive somehow in her first clutch, it's because of the male. He's one of my finest. He somehow fed them and made them survive. She did mostly nothing except killing them. With her new male who's not so great of a father as the previous one but still decent and extremely pretty, she's falling apart with her babies. It's so sad to see this, I wish I could handfeed them but for not getting covid again, my mum told me not to. I understand her, still worries me

On the other side of the coin, pair #2 seems to be going excellently. I saw the dad also sitting in the nest box with the mum and caring for her excellently. And we have a new hatch! The 4th hatch!! Everyone's crop seems full and I'm hoping all eggs hatch and all babies survive of her! Excellent mom, definitely going to breed her again with some other males after a well earned resting period.
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Pair three has these GORGEOUS GORGEOUS 5 eggs which are shiny, round, big and thick. I've seen a more perfect clutch of eggs than these. Extremely pretty! They should be hatching in about 2 or 3 days now
B!! One of the eggs hatched!! I couldnt take a pic cuz the mum is so adamant on not leaving the nest, but it hatched!! Omg
FINALLY I could be outside so I also noticed pair #4 mating. So eggs from them too?! :)
Nicknamed them "the over-itty bitty uncle and aunt in a family gathering" because when me and my bestie uncle were having a deep conversation about what to do with the male rabbits, they started mating. I noticed it first and was physically trying to distance myself from there to distract my uncle, but turns out he also noticed it and then we were like. "Huh uncle the weather is very hot today"
the WEATHER is very HOT today
That's why I'll fail my english exam
And then the awkward silence commenced and it was broke by Swiddy screaming after laying her egg.


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