Buff Barred Cochin Thread

I love the Buff Barred Cochin Roo. I have some and I was wanting to know. I have a regular looking barred hen that was from the roo that I have in the same pen with her mother. If he mates with her, what will I get? Will I get a mixture of both or will I come up with some more Buff Barred? I will try to add some photos later on. Thanks.
I am getting eggs fertilized by Dynamite! Not sure if they are from Dana, a buff pullet or a black barred hen but they are small so I am guessing one of the pullets. They are too small for me to set but I open them and they are fertile.

I had a black chick hatch from Barbara, a nice barred hen my friend loaned me, under the buff roo from Doug Bishop. The buff hen has started laying in there, too but they are long pointy eggs. Possibly why he sold her, not really sure. I set the better shaped ones but there haven't been many.

But I am on my way! Yippee!
That's great they're starting to lay for you.
My Buff hen from Tom laid a couple of eggs, but they weren't fertile, so I plucked her and the roo. She really hated that - and hasn't laid since!
I've got a few chicks growing up from Sparky and his ladies though
Wow! What lovely birds you all have! Someone from one of the other banty cochin threads suggested I post here about a "sport" that cropped up in my buff banty flock.

I have this lovely rooster:

He was hatched by my buff hens from eggs that they laid. At the time I had a solid buff banty cochin rooster, a white silkie (with no crest) who is white with minimal black barring on him, and what I believe was a birchen banty cochin roo in with my buff banty cochin hens.

What I want to know is whether or not this roo would be considered a buff barred. He has very blurry white bars, and some extra white feathers in his tail and wings, but is definitely not light buff or lemon. And there is no hint of blue, black or any color other than white in his plumage.

I really like his color and am hoping to create a small flock this color with better barring and overall confirmation. So what color & pattern hen should I breed him to? Someone on another thread suggest I breed back to my solid buff hens, but I wonder if that would dilute the barring further. My knowledge of the genetics of the barred/cuckoo patterns is pretty slim, so any advice on this would be of great help.


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