Buff barring on my mixed roo?


May 22, 2020
Santa Barbara, CA
I’ve posted many threads of what breed/ color my big roo could could be, and I’ve only figured out he’s half Polish. Some of you are going to ask how I know he’s Polish or what indicates Polish, just like people in past threads did. He does have a crest, but it’s hard to tell with is humongous comb unless your holding him. I noticed a few days ago his feathering above his wings and on his chest have barring, but it’s in a Buff color. Could this possibility indicate what other half he could be? I also know he’s a white egg layer, since breeding him to dark egg layers like NHR’s give me pullets that lay cream/pink eggs. If anybody has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.

(He’s in molt and lost his tail feathers a few weeks ago)
Probably a breed with a large comb like a leghorn, although he resembles a buff Orpington as well. When you mix breeds they don't always resemble the parent breed.

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