Buff Brahma - 4-5 weeks old.

What is the gray speckled chick in the background? I have one like it. Grandaughter brought home, don't know what it is.
Also have 2 buff somethings with feathered feet, black in tails, roundish heads. Hoping they are buff brahma bantams. Anyone have pics of younger buff brahmas? Mine are 4-5 wks. old.:rolleyes: Thanks.
The small gray speckled is an Amerecauna. If you check my picture my buff brahma was 4-5 weeks old - she basically looks the same - only smaller.

Here SHE is ……..15 weeks. Don't think it's a male .

No she is a hen

I'm a newbie and wondering when you can tell if the chick is a rooster. She is a little larger than the other chicks (Speckled Sussex, Buttercup and Buckeye) her age. I'm hoping she's just a big girl. Any thoughts?
Her Breed is among one of the largest of the chicken breeds. I started with chickens a year ago. I don't believe you will really know what sex she is for awhile still. I ended up with two Easter Egg roosters and even though one had color that was a little flashier, I tried to convince myself it was not a rooster. Then I heard a crow come from the coop! Then, a couple weeks later a different crow (same breed, but different voices). I could not deny, two roosters! (I got rid of them)
It is hilarious to go out to the coop and Helen (our Brahma) is almost twice the size of the others (at 1 year), docilely walking around everybody. I have read they are not full size till they are two years old.

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