Buff Brahma with neck issue


7 Years
Jul 3, 2015
This is Sassafras, an almost year old Buff Brahma. I noticed her neck was losing feathers about a month or more ago. I thought no biggie, maybe a molt? It still hasn’t grown new feather and is red and warm to the touch in that area but skin around it is normal and fine. So what’s happening? I have not had chickens long enough for them to molt. Is that was is happening? How long does it take for feather to grow back? Is it something I should be concerned about?
I think that a flock mate is feather pecking/plucking her. Try to determine the culprit and affix Pin Less Peepers on her until the Brahma regrows her feathers.
Thanks, I also think it is feather plucking. I don’t see any of the other chickens bothering her though. I did take a look at her this morning and the area is back to a normal skin color. Maybe because the weather is nicer and they are out roaming more it has stopped?? I will keep an eye on it

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