Buff Dewlap Toulouse Thread



8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Shediac Cape NB, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
As suggested by Pete, I'm starting up a new thread to discuss the Buff colour in better detail.

This colour is Scarce and needs to be preserved. It was nearly impossible for me to locate a gander for my buff girls. We had to import him from Kansas (Good Shepard Poultry Ranch) all the way to New Brunswick - Canada. A long trip..

I am very excited about breeding these birds.

So my females derived from Jamie Carson's grey bloodlines with a buff gander over grey females. This helps improve the size and type of the buffs.

Hopefully some of you will chime in on some of the qualities you love in your Buff Toulouse Geese. Share what you want to improve on.

And... Go!
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My girls are 5 months old, and are showing potential. They have a wonderful temperament, and get along with all of my birds. Turkeys, Chickens and Ducks - doesn't matter. They are docile and curious. They get into everything and are very talkative.
They are clean compared to ducks. They will bathe once a day, but enjoy dunking their heads often.
They also love to be photographed ;)
aoxa, will bring the discussion over here with you and answer you previous question.

Culls -- means to remove from the breeding program. Be it by rehoming/selling as pets or other ways.

We have:
9 Buff 2012 Juveniles growing out
1 adult buff gander (shipping in)
1 adult buff goose (shipping in)
1 adult grey gander (shipping in)
1 additional buff gander possibly shipping in
aoxa, will bring the discussion over here with you and answer you previous question.

Culls -- means to remove from the breeding program. Be it by rehoming/selling as pets or other ways.

We have:
9 Buff 2012 Juveniles growing out
1 adult buff gander (shipping in)
1 adult buff goose (shipping in)
1 adult grey gander (shipping in)
1 additional buff gander possibly shipping in
The reason I was misunderstanding your post about culling is that you said most people couldn't handle the culling. That's where my brain went.. ? :p Thanks for clarifying!

I don't plan to keep a huge flock of these guys, but obviously that may change. How many can I keep on 2 acres of pasture without having a dirt property? I want to keep my grass pristine. They have never been able to keep up - so I have to mow. It would be nice never to have to mow :D
aoxa, will bring the discussion over here with you and answer you previous question.

Culls -- means to remove from the breeding program. Be it by rehoming/selling as pets or other ways.

We have:
9 Buff 2012 Juveniles growing out
1 adult buff gander (shipping in)
1 adult buff goose (shipping in)
1 adult grey gander (shipping in)
1 additional buff gander possibly shipping in
I really hope the additional buff gander can be shipped in :fl

How is it that we have so many more buff girls than buff boys? What's up with that!
Okay bringing Pete's comment over on the regular Toulouse thread here.

I think anyone can start the thread and just see how the information grows :fl

Also if Buff Ganders are so scarce then use a very good Grey Gander to a Buff Goose and all male offspring will also be Splits ;)

We were discussing if the line I got my girls from had any ganders split for grey, and Jamie Carson replied:
None of mine are splits. But regardless of how good he is... I would not breed yours to a Grey male next year. I would HIGHLY suggest that you use the Buff male next year anyway, as you'll then get a start on pure-colored Buffs.

If you want to use Greys to improve the type of your Buffs, do it another year, by crossing a Buff male to Grey hens. This will give you Buff females (of better type) & split Grey males. You can then use the split male on to Buff hens, if you wanted to.

So I think I will follow his advice. I won't find a good grey gander in time for breeding season next year anyway. I'll wait until 2014 and see how my 2013 hatches turn out. That is if they start laying next year. Hopefully they will!
Hi All
Aoxa - love that young female shown on her own in the pics and think she'll be a stunner when mature, she's already got many desirable features

There should be some very good lines in the USA though some may not have been preserved. From what I remember Gary and Audrey Overton established a very good line and also Holderread though this is only from photographs that I have seen.

In the UK they're reported to be much slower in development than the the Greys and often do not show their potential until their second year. With the Buffs they're often late bloomers with some not showing keel development until 2 years old. Another report I heard was the feather quality wasnt as good as greys and they could sucumb to chills when youngsters as they seem to get their feather soaked more easily. Its not a feature I've noticed with ours and may have more to do with the lines.

Like the USA there appears to be very few Buff Ganders about which makes establishing a good breeding programme even more difficult
It makes breeding the Buff Dewlaps very much a long term commitment
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Hey guys, guess I'll be joining you on this thread too, since I have a few buffs myself. Hope we can expand the thread to include greys, as they are special too.
Pete, I have noticed very different rates of development in my dewlaps, both buff and grey. I look forward to watching them all get roly-poly over the years.
I think the greys should have a separate thread from the buffs, nice to break color specific talks down like that. We have done it in the sebbie forum and it works well to discuss colors separately.

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