Buff Orp, 3 days to 3 months


Sees What You Did There
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Central Arkansas
3 days:

3 weeks:

4 weeks , 8 weeks

3 months

Disapproving Chicken (3 months)
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wow, very nice pics.
i have a bunch of BO's that hatched out 10 days ago so now i can see what they'll look like!
my 10wo buff orp's wattles? the things that are bright red on yours... are still only pink-ish. is that ok? your 8wk pic is more mature looking then my girl...

beautiful by the way
The pullets look much less "mature" than this guy. Here are some 8-wk.-old pullets:



A mix of pullets and cockerels at that same age:

And a pullet at 12 weeks:

And the combs and wattles--mine are hatchery birds, so I don't know how others might be different, but with mine, out of a dozen cockerels, no two were exactly alike as far as the rate of maturity, growth of combs, deepness of color, etc. Some were paler, but they were all darkening gradually. I only have one other boy besides this one since the fox attack, and his comb is smaller. It's about the same color, though.

I don't know if the redness has anything to do with testosterone level, or growth rate, or nutrition, or what! If it helps, none of these pictures has been color enhanced in any way.
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The females are usually pale and small combed. The males are usually bright red on the combs and waddles. It is pretty easy to tell BO apart, methinks. BUT not all birds are the same. That's the truth!

I have to say, my BO pullets (Henrietta, Mabel, and Blanche) do have cool personalities. They love to jump! It is the weirdest thing. They are the only chickens that will jump straight into the air to grab a treat from your hand. It always cracks us up.

Yours are GORGEOUS, btw. I love the roo! HOT!

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