Buff Orp personality?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 18, 2010
Hi everyone, I've been reading up on different breeds of chickens for almost a year now, and I decided on BO's because of the quiet, gentle nature I've read about. I have 2 acres in the suburbs, and thought they'd be perfect. Well, the coop is halfway done, and brooder is pretty much ready for the 5 BO chicks I ordered from MPC to arrive the end of this month. BUT, today I see a video on youtube with some VERY noisy BO's, and now I'm a little worried. It occured to me that maybe they video taped them after they had been upset by something, and were making a fuss, but now I don't know what to think! There is a good distance from our neighbors, but I don't want to annoy them with super loud clucking!

My question is: Are your buff's usually quiet like all the websites and books say, or is that info misleading?
I have read that some people say they can get pretty chatty! I love the way they look but being in a sub-divsion I need quiet chickens. I have two BRs and like their "personality" although the one is noisy when she sister leaves her to go into the coop to lay.

I have ordered 2 buff rocks and am hoping they will be quiet!
Haha, chatty is ok as long as they use their "inside" voices. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid, I feel like our neighbors are a good distance away, if they're too loud I'll bribe them with eggs!

I'm really curious to hear what BO owners say. Are your BO's "textbook" sweet and quiet, or do their individual personalities vary alot?
We've been breeding BOs for a couple of years now and I've never noticed them to be any quieter than any of my other chickens. They're as determined as any of my birds to let everyone know when they've laid an egg, found something interesting, or they're mad at one another. Personally, I love the little chatty mumbling they seem to do most of the day to one another but they can be loud when they want to be.
I have 3 buff orpingtons. They are quiet and calm most of the time. They do the BAWK-BAWK when they have laid their eggs or when they can't find the rest of the flock when they come out of the coop after laying (My flock free-ranges.) But it usually doesn't last long. I love my buffs and want to get more.
Thanks for the responses, I feel better already! I can deal with the egg song and an occasional rukus. I'm gonna go with my thought that the BO's in the video must have been riled up by something. I'm so excited to get the chicks, I can't wait!
I have 4 BOs and they really only get noisy when they've laid an egg -- sometimes one will lay and the other will sing for her. I've had all 4 going at once. But they're inside the coop when this happens and so it's not noisy outside. I can hear them over the monitor. I actually like hearing them sing, but to each his/her own.

I'm guessing that with 2 acres, you won't have any trouble with noise and the neighbors.

I just love my BOs. They used to purr at me when they were chicks and living in my office. They're 2 years old now and still let me carry them around and love them up. Wonderful personalities and very calm. Excellent with children. Good in cold climates, too.

Good luck!
Oh, I personally love hearing them bawk, chit chat, mumble, I love the sound of roosters crowing etc... It's the neighbors I'm trying to keep in mind. I do feel reassured I made the right choice of breed, now to figure out how to speed up time, the 27th can't come soon enough!

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