Buff Orpington 6 Weeks Old - What Gender?


6 Years
Jul 11, 2013
Boise Idaho
This is our little "Hazel". Hazel is 6 weeks old and a sweet little chick. I had someone tell me when Hazel was almost 4 weeks old, that 'she looked like a HE!' These are new pictures taken at 6 weeks old. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Thanks!

I got her when she was about 4 weeks old. Here are some pics from right after I got her. I bought her off of Craigslist, but that person got her from a Hatchery that gaurentees pullets 90%.

Here are the 4 week pics.

Is she from Dunlap? It's in Caldwell I think. I got my buffs from there, and by 4 weeks the Roos were SO red and obvious. Interesting part was at one week old, all my pullets had long pointy wings with three layers of feathers while the boys had short stubby wings and only one main layer with a tiny under layer poking out. If that makes sense.

But anyways, I would say yours is a girl. Mine looked similar but it stayed pretty peach colored. She got a pretty good red comb by 12 weeks old though and I thought boy but just turned 20 weeks old and finally started laying.
No, our moses lake big r got their chicks from Dunlap. I'm not sure if the buffs from there are bred to be feather sexable but it sure worked for me on all 6 of my chicks. The picture below is of my pullet who has now laid two eggs in two days 18 weeks later. That's what I meant by the three "layers" of feathers. The boys wings were half as long.


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