Buff Orpington - almost 10 weeks old - Please tell me "Blanche" is a hen!


6 Years
Jul 11, 2013
Boise Idaho
We have already had 1 of our 7 'girls' start crowing and had to be moved to a farm, and now I am wondering about this Buff Orpington, Blanche, just because of her comb and waddle. I only have one other BO, but Blanche's comb and wadlle are quite a bit larger and darker than the other BO. So far, Blanch hasn't given me any other signs that she could be a roo, like crowing or aggressive behavior. We got our chicks from a local hatchery that gaurentees 95% that the chicks are pullets. Could you also please tell me, what you see that makes you think hen or Roo? In the second picture you can see my other BO to the right of Blanche (on the left). They are about 9.5 weeks old.

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For a Blanche it has a lot of comb and wattles for that age, and it might just be the picture but it looks like it is stouter than the other ones, the pictures are kind of fuzzy and I don't see any pointy feathers coming in (what can you see in person?), but I would be expecting that one to turn out male.
Cockerel. Too young for hackle or saddle feathers, but that much comb at this age is male. Plus, you can see a little bit of darker shading on the wing, that's a boy thing also.

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