Buff Orpington Contest! Ends May 1st~~~~RESULTS ARE IN~~~~~

Rubi - Age 2.5 weeks

Does this contest include Buff ducks? They were originally from England and ove their they are known as Buff Orpingtons, but here they are just called Buff; the only breed of duck whose name is just its color. Anyhow, are Buff ducks allowed to enter then, since technically they are Buff Orpingtons? Thanks!

The Snyders
sure, just post it under the correct category (adult, chick, show-off) and it can be judged with the rest
My rooster Puny as he was the only one of the 25 pullets that was not going to give me eggs.
He is almost a year old June 16.

Here is my Hen the same age as Baby girl Elvis
She loves the camera and my arm

Gosh I hope this works.
What is your chicken wearing in that top picture? It looks like a little shirt? What is it???????????

She was the chicken saddle guinea pig. I had to try it on her to make sure it would fit the others.
Here are the rules:
Name: Buff Orpington (Buff for short)
Age: About 10 weeks.
Category: Chicks/Showoff

Buff Orpington (we just call her Buff) was a packing peanut in my February McMurray Hatchery order. It didn't take long for this "extra" chicken to become our very favorite. She is the one who comes when called, who lets us hold her and pet her, who is the first to try every new thing, who moves with the grace of a ballerina. She's gorgeous and what's more, she knows it -- check out her posing for my camera!



Here's a picture of (until recently) "Big Mama" subsequently re-named, "Big Papa". A good looking girl as boys go
22 weeks old, the scamp!!

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