Buff Orpington hen won't run away from pecking


6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Hi all
We decided a month ago to add two new hens to our three-hen flock. The original flock of three two-year old birds and the two new 6 month olds were kept apart in different runs for a month. After combining them, the three older birds hassle our new Australorp, but she runs away and things get back to normal quickly. However, our new buff Orpington just sits there when the three older birds get after her. The older birds climb on top of her and just peck away but she will not attempt to run away. We've split the birds again because it looks like there is no way the buff is going to survive this.

Suggestions are welcome. The older birds are Rhode Island Red and two speckled Sussex.
My silkie has been getting a bit of a pecking lately, think its because she has been acting above her station and making angry noises at the others when they come in the nesting box due to being broodie.

One in particular who she is normally friends with has been quite viciously pecking her and she just stands there all bowed down and takes it. I'm wondering if its their way if showing total submission and wonder if in the long run (as long as it doesn't get dangerous) if that show of submission and knowing their place will get them accepted quicker than running from it and that's why they just take it?
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Maybe? I'm not a good judge of when it becomes dangerous, but when I put our new birds back in a different run it was in response to the Orp having had her head pecked to the point of there being a spot the size of a quarter with no feathers. Our older birds don't seem to be able to stop once they start.
Yeah they probably see blood and go a bit peck crazy. I'd have taken her out too, seen too many pictures of scalped hens on here.

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