*Buff Orpington Thread!*

I love how determined Bella's Mother looks

Hi. Looking for opinions on this BO hen from American show stock lineage. She is right at a year old and frankly I just noticed that she has these marked feathers on her back. It starts from middle of her wing and goes down to base of her tail. Like I mentioned, she is a year old. I had never noticed this before a few days ago so my dilemma is has she only recently developed this or could I unbelievably have missed it all along. I hate to think it's been there and I missed it but it's a mystery to me at the moment. She hadn't recently lost feathering on her back or had any injuries to the area. Anyway, any ideas on this would be appreciated such as do BO hens sometimes develop this? thanks
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I have 4 backyard buffs, I have recently noticed their nostrils look dark almost dirty, they are eating drinking and sun bathing normally. They are 2 -3 years old. Any thoughts?
I'm on my second batch of chickens. This group came through the mail as day old chicks. We selected buff's because everyone we knew that had chickens raved about them. Mine have been skittish since the first day and even though we handled them, they aren't getting any better. They are 2 months old now and in their big coop. I can hardly go in without them running from me. This is really disappointing because our last flock was so friendly. I feel like we raised them the same way. Any advise? They will come over if I offer dime seeds, but scurry if I try to pick them up now.
Your americauna is a easter egger beautiful birds.
Is it really an EE? I was hoping because her legs are olive green and I have read some other things that made me think she might be, I got all my girls from Ideal Poultry and she was sold to me as an Americauna but I really don't mind if she's an EE. My sons picked this breed but the Buffs & SLW were my picks and I got 2 of each breed. They are all so sweet, I am happy with our first flock! We haven't lost any chicks/chickens and they should be laying this month according to plan but we'll see!
It's Bella's birthday today! Yous are probably wondering where the CLB comes into all of this as I have always said Bella's mother is the Orpington. Well Bella's egg was under her mother, but her mother got a chick and my broody CLB's eggs were all infertile, so I put a pipping Bella in with her. Once Bella had hatched, I moved them into a shed together and they accepted each others chicks and raised them together. Bella's CLB mother was taken by a Buzzard, so thats why you don't see anything of her now. But anyways, Bella hatched with me and now Bella is mothering her own chick! Will be taking her some mealworms up today! She has also nearly made a full recovery from her dog attack!




Can you spot her?











Happy Birthday Bella! I'm a little late, but haven't been on BYC for a few weeks. I'm glad she is doing so much better too. :eek:)
I'm on my second batch of chickens. This group came through the mail as day old chicks. We selected buff's because everyone we knew that had chickens raved about them. Mine have been skittish since the first day and even though we handled them, they aren't getting any better. They are 2 months old now and in their big coop. I can hardly go in without them running from me. This is really disappointing because our last flock was so friendly. I feel like we raised them the same way. Any advise? They will come over if I offer dime seeds, but scurry if I try to pick them up now.
Ugh. This would break my heart! I would try calmly entering, and dropping freeze dried mealworms in my wake as I quietly made a round through the run. Short rounds, as often as you can, until they get excited to see you coming & willingly follow you around. Once that is accomplished, I would sit down & hold my hand out with the freeze dried mealworms in it until they get brave enough to take them from my hand. Then you can work them up to taking them off your lap, & maybe even sneaking in some pets while they're eating it. I have seen my mom use this treat method to tame adult chickens she has adopted and it worked moderately well. Maybe since they're so young you will have better results. Her hens got to like her company, but were never cuddly.
Is it really an EE? I was hoping because her legs are olive green and I have read some other things that made me think she might be, I got all my girls from Ideal Poultry and she was sold to me as an Americauna but I really don't mind if she's an EE. My sons picked this breed but the Buffs & SLW were my picks and I got 2 of each breed. They are all so sweet, I am happy with our first flock! We haven't lost any chicks/chickens and they should be laying this month according to plan but we'll see!

Yes, no...maybe?
The whole Ameraucana, Americana, EE thing is well....
There is not an APA breed named Americauna, or Americana...it is Ameraucana, which is how Ideal has them listed.
I don't say that to correct your spelling, but rather because many hatcheries use the other spelling(s) to basically make the public think they are buying Ameracaunas, but retain the deniability when someone complains that their birds are not to standard...
The description Ideal uses for Ameraucanas is not even correct!

So is your bird an EE, or Easter Egger?
Again, there is no APA breed named "Easter Egger"....so I guess you can call anything an EE?
These days it seems anything that is not a perfect Standard breed is an EE???!!!
So yes you can call yours an EE....or you could just say it is a Hatchery Ameraucana as like most breeds the hatchery birds are not to standard anyway.
Or you could call it Americana, or Americauna or you could call it "Henny Penny Pudding Pie the World greatest Chicken" and just enjoy having her ;)

The only thing you could not do is Enter that bird into an APA show as an Ameraucana and win a ribbon!

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