*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Agreed. Rocks overall are fabulous layers. Rocks are my #1 pick for best backyard/barnyard flock breed and the barreds are my favorite. I have barreds as well as blue, black and splash, though haven't had whites or buffs.

Here, here. My dels are the best layers. For a breed that doesn't get out much they're great at being confined in a run. Too they're my best winter layers. I can always count on eggs from them. They're molts are also one of the shortest. Not giving any credit to the manager of course.

Now I will confess that my BR's are heavier and good long term layers. Going on four years and I'm still getting eggs. I think the line as a lot to do with how well any breed does. These are Kathy's. You have to be patient to see how good your line is. If you trade them out every two years, you'll never know.

If you're like me and prone to fall in love with your birds you want a line that will live a long time. Nothing calms the soul like chickens that prefer to congregate around your chair.
My Delawares are great layers, too, but they don't do as well in the heat. They are the first to pant, even over the Orpingtons. I have a 5 1/2 year old Delaware hen still laying. I think the other is dying from some egg related thing-she always laid huge, rough and thin-shelled eggs and I think it's caught up with her, sadly.
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My Delawares are great layers, too, but they don't do as well in the heat. They are the first to pant, even over the Orpingtons. I have a 5 1/2 year old Delaware hen still laying. I think the other is dying from some egg related thing-she always laid huge, rough and thin-shelled eggs and I think it's caught up with her, sadly.

It does drive you crazy when these things happen doesn't it?

Now I have to share that my Buckwheat a Frenchy's daughter from a C. Marans roo is or was all swollen in her abdomen. I have no idea what was wrong. Research said that most of the time there is nothing one can do. I had her quarantined and gave her some Terramycin one time, what could it hurt right? Then this last week or so she's been on Layer pellets and I poured some more insoluble grit on top.

Yesterday I noticed the swelling seems to have gone down. Not sure what's what though. Her poor stomach was so swollen she walked with it between her legs. It was all stretched and hot.

I did find the skin of an egg in the crate but was unsure it was from her.

I'll keep her by herself til I see she's doing okay. She hasn't laid an egg since last year. She too is an older girl. Chickens can do amazing things sometimes.

Anyhow, I always laugh when folks are freaking out up here about the cold. My opinion is the heat can do more damage. My Marans are in this coop, lay amazingly in the winter with no heat. For part of the winter one side was completely open and that was the side the chose to roost on .

I've had a Buff Orpington hen who has been dying since she was a year old. Sounds weird but I don't know how else to say it. Bloat up, go down, comb dark and shrunken, then bloat up again, think she's on death's doorstep, then she rallies. She's done it for over two years now and never laid an egg since the first time I thought she had EYP. She is so swollen she can hardly walk now, but I don't treat her, just watch her. She never loses her appetite. When she does, I know she'll be dying for real then. When she dies, and this gal has 9 lives, I will look in there and see what the heck was going on in there for over two of her three years of life.

ETA: I did treat her the first time with massive doses of penicillin, but after that, decided to let her die since I know you can't cure this crud, from very sad experience. But, she didn't die and she's still trudging along.
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My poor girl Daisy, got killed by a hawk this aftenoon...
... She was my favorite one!! She just started laying last week!! I love the BO breed, and want to get a Roo and Hen... Does anyone have any advise on where to look ? I'm in West Tennesee....
My poor girl Daisy, got killed by a hawk this aftenoon...
... She was my favorite one!! She just started laying last week!! I love the BO breed, and want to get a Roo and Hen... Does anyone have any advise on where to look ? I'm in West Tennesee....

Oh, I am so sorry, I lost a 4 week old chick last night, to a flying predator, owl is my guess.
My poor girl Daisy, got killed by a hawk this aftenoon...
... She was my favorite one!! She just started laying last week!! I love the BO breed, and want to get a Roo and Hen... Does anyone have any advise on where to look ? I'm in West Tennesee....
I have a young roo. He is apprx. 15 weeks. I got him from Piglet but due to my health problems am cutting back. I am NPIP and A1 tested clean. You would need to pick him up as I do not ship.
I have a young roo.  He is apprx. 15 weeks.  I got him from Piglet but due to my health problems am cutting back.  I am NPIP and A1 tested clean.  You would need to pick him up as I do not ship.

Aww.. That's so sweet of you!!
Your a long way from me....lol. I think in going to order 2 so I won't have as many problems integrating... I just dread the whole chick process

I've never had a Roo ... I wasn't planning on getting 1 but I need one....How is the temperment of BO roo's? My Hen was the sweetest, funniest girl ever!

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