*Buff Orpington Thread!*

yes they free range all day most of the time and the biggest preditor in my area is a house cat and they are scared to come into my back yard because i have a dog who really doesnt like cats lol. basicly its for them to sleep in at night and while im at work. other than that they are out in the back yard. think that would work out for night use ?
Big Orps need much more room than a chicken tractor. Think of how many hours a day these birds will be confined practically on top of each other while you are at work. Not good , and certainly not fair to the birds .Orps need 10 Square feet of space in a coop, not including the covered run, which should have 20 Sq' per bird.They should be allowed out every day for a few hours to free range.

please ignore the poop, as of 3 days ago it has been vacant and havent had time to go clean it. but this pic is about the best to show you how big she is compared to the coop, on the left is the nest boxes and on the right you can just see the pop door frame, the way she is standing her head is at ehe nest bozes and her tail is nearly at the door, if i put my other orp in there, there would be no room for anything else
I'm adding to my lil backyard flock. I have 1 RIR, 2 sex links and 2 barred rocks. All hens and all pets. We just love the eggs and I'm adding 2 more in late sept. I have heard a ton of great things about the buff Orpington breed. Are they as sweet n docile as they sound? I'm also wanting a great layer. I'm leaning towards the buff orp's, any input for me?? Ty.

i have only had Orps for a few weeks and i got mine as full grown birds but i love them, they seem to be very quiet and easy going, only 1 has started laying and i have had 3 eggs so far in the last week. i plan on getting some eggs come spring and hatching some more. But they are big as you have probably seen from the previous few post so make sure you have plenty of room. i would recommend them to anyone
What you have is a very heavy case of "Pepper". Brown or black markings are frowned on at shows.Very faint brown smudges are sometimes useful in hens kept just for breeding. I would not use a female with these heavy brown markings though.Bear in mind that Lemon Cuckoo is not a recognized color in Orps. It is still a project being worked on by a few breeders.

How is it useful for breeding hens? We were never planning on showing them, we just love them so much we can't imagine how anybody else wouldn't!
Thank you all, I was kind of afraid of that. I drove about 100 miles each way to go pick 'him' up because didn't find any other closer orpington roosters when I was looking. I was hoping may 'he' was a late bloomer lol. It all worked out though. Couple of days ago found a gorgeous English splash orpington rooster for free only a 15 minute drive away. So now I have my cute new buff HEN, my two lavender hens, and my huge splash rooster. So nice having a good rainbow of fluffy butts running around.
How is it useful for breeding hens? We were never planning on showing them, we just love them so much we can't imagine how anybody else wouldn't!
Buff is a hard color to keep stable in a line. If the buff starts to fade some breeders use the hens with a bit of pepper in the tail to keep the color.
ok once again i find that someone has not read the original post. and starts in with there two cents with out being truely informed, my original post was that they get out for most of the day and are only in the coop at night or when im at work witch is again at night. so they get out for most of the day in a back yard of over a quarter of an acre of land that is fenced in with 6 foot fencing. now about the other part of the original post i also asked for ideas actual ideas on how to modify it not just saying that this is wrong. and as for all those who think that its cruel and unusual treatment for animals think about this most big chicken farms they get less than a foot of space and often times are forced to live in there own filth. so if you keep this in mind anything and I do mean anything is better than that. so the next time you have an opinion on what you or others think is fair think about what i have just said about chicken farms. now back to what i wanted to know was is there anyway to modify it to make it bigger better more interesting and more one of a kind?
ok once again i find that someone has not read the original post. and starts in with there two cents with out being truely informed, my original post was that they get out for most of the day and are only in the coop at night or when im at work witch is again at night. so they get out for most of the day in a back yard of over a quarter of an acre of land that is fenced in with 6 foot fencing. now about the other part of the original post i also asked for ideas actual ideas on how to modify it not just saying that this is wrong. and as for all those who think that its cruel and unusual treatment for animals think about this most big chicken farms they get less than a foot of space and often times are forced to live in there own filth. so if you keep this in mind anything and I do mean anything is better than that. so the next time you have an opinion on what you or others think is fair think about what i have just said about chicken farms. now back to what i wanted to know was is there anyway to modify it to make it bigger better more interesting and more one of a kind?
Nobody is picking on you. We are trying to get you to understand that this coop is too small for anything but a pair of Bantams.You also did not say that you worked at night originally, which led all of us to assume that the birds were spending much more time locked up.

If I were in your situation, I would enclose that whole wire meshed "run" area, leaving windows, and build a covered run off of it.This would allow enough space for all your birds to sleep comfortably, and be safe in their run when you are not able to watch them.
Does anyone know of any Buff Orphington breeder in Louisiana or east Texas?
I think Hall Family Farms is in SW Arkansas, they have some nice birds!

ok once again i find that someone has not read the original post. and starts in with there two cents with out being truely informed, my original post was that they get out for most of the day and are only in the coop at night or when im at work witch is again at night. so they get out for most of the day in a back yard of over a quarter of an acre of land that is fenced in with 6 foot fencing. now about the other part of the original post i also asked for ideas actual ideas on how to modify it not just saying that this is wrong. and as for all those who think that its cruel and unusual treatment for animals think about this most big chicken farms they get less than a foot of space and often times are forced to live in there own filth. so if you keep this in mind anything and I do mean anything is better than that. so the next time you have an opinion on what you or others think is fair think about what i have just said about chicken farms. now back to what i wanted to know was is there anyway to modify it to make it bigger better more interesting and more one of a kind?
Wow? Sensitive much?
As for not reading... I cannot find ANYWHERE in your posts where you mentioned that work at night, The way you had it worded, it read as though they would be in there all night AND when you were at work....
I never read anything where you asked about modifying the thing?
You asked for opinions, and you got opinions from some knowledgeable, caring and helpful people.
If you cant handle opinions, don't ask for them.

My opinion, you could modify that coop, but in the end it would probably be less work to build from scratch.

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