*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Can some please tell me why some of my eggs has streaks of blood going through the yolk of the egg or like spots. Not sure how to explain it.
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Can some please tell me why some of my eggs has streaks of blood going through the yolk of the egg or like spots. Not sure how to explain it.

As I understand it....The egg develops in the ovary and then moves into the infundibulum. Sometimes there are shallow blood vessels at this point that break and get incorporated into the yolk. Once the egg passes through the uterus, the egg shell is deposited.

Meat spots, blood, sometimes a little blood vessel can be included in the egg yolk. These tissue inclusions are all usually picked up by the yolk as it passes through the infundibulum.
At what age can you start telling the sex of these little boogers? I have an uneasy feeling I have several cockerels on my hands... :idunno There seems to be an awful lot of chest bumping, fluffed feathers and kangaroo fighting, (that's what I call it when they go at each other feet first). Will pullets exhibit this type of behavior?

And they are H.Y.P.E.R... omgosh, there are 12 of them in the brooder and it's just constant commotion! More so than I've notice with my two older groups at this age, 3 weeks old.

I have noticed the combs on several of the chest bumpers seems to be a bit brighter in color... whereas the others are more of a flesh color.

These were straight run, so I'm hoping at least half are pullets, but I don't know.

Thoughts, anyone?
At what age can you start telling the sex of these little boogers? I have an uneasy feeling I have several cockerels on my hands...
There seems to be an awful lot of chest bumping, fluffed feathers and kangaroo fighting, (that's what I call it when they go at each other feet first). Will pullets exhibit this type of behavior?

And they are H.Y.P.E.R... omgosh, there are 12 of them in the brooder and it's just constant commotion! More so than I've notice with my two older groups at this age, 3 weeks old.

I have noticed the combs on several of the chest bumpers seems to be a bit brighter in color... whereas the others are more of a flesh color.

These were straight run, so I'm hoping at least half are pullets, but I don't know.

Thoughts, anyone?

Post some pictures of the ones in question, we may be able to help.
And yes, the girls will chest bump and "kangaroo fight" (love that term btw).
My best chest bumping champion chick was a Barred Rock, she would run around the brooder and bump everyone
She is my head girl, seems she established herself pretty much by the time they were around 6-8wks old. She has a fantastic stink eye and I haven't seen anyone challenge her. She's not overly bossy though, which I am glad about.
Bright red comb and wattles can be an indication of boys, flesh color would be the girls.
I agree. They all chest bump. My BO's and BO/Welsummer crosses started doing that at about 4-5 weeks. They were hysterical to watch. They were like ping pong balls bouncing into one another, chest first, bouncing into a sibling and repeating the whole process all over again. They are 9 weeks old now and still bouncing around.
My 4 6-week-old BO girls all chest bump, bob their heads, etc. and run a lot! Two have actually thinned out a bit, and I wonder if it's from being outside running around (they're in a run). Definitely fun to watch!
When I first started my Coop Project, I started with Buffs. What a great bird to start this with...

When the chicks were fully feathered, I'd take them out each morning to spend time outside in the sun. They would take off across the lawn wings flapping, heads down and at a full sprint. Then they'd all stop and start "chest bumping"...I have always called it "Jousting", but yeah it looks like chest bumping.

My current group are Welsummers...and they Joust as well. Every group that I've had have done this, it's just hilarious to watch.
When I first started my Coop Project, I started with Buffs. What a great bird to start this with...

When the chicks were fully feathered, I'd take them out each morning to spend time outside in the sun. They would take off across the lawn wings flapping, heads down and at a full sprint. Then they'd all stop and start "chest bumping"...I have always called it "Jousting", but yeah it looks like chest bumping.

My current group are Welsummers...and they Joust as well. Every group that I've had have done this, it's just hilarious to watch.

Awww....look at them

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