Wow. Seriously WOW'd. @chickengeorgeto... that's amazing... and really valuable information... I never would have thought of that.... Ok, so... this opens up a whole new can of worms... and in the end... the test - just won't resolve anything... I need to do some research on this for sure - because I think it's a seriously huge point. I don't even think I totally understand this... again - have to research it... thank you for your input! Happy Thanksgiving... :)
Are you guys saying this chicken is like the equivalent of a human with down syndrome? Is she just not physically well or is she like actually slow in the head as well? Whatever the case may be, give the girl a chance.... she might pull through and flourish in the end.
To all my friends here - who offered tremendous help, comfort, valuable & knowledgable input and (hugs) - to help me & our little Buff Orpington, Goldie. I want to offer my sincere thanks for your time & energy.

Her fecal float (and all the girls) came back yesterday from the lab - negative... so that was good news. The vet checked her over thoroughly - and there were no mites or lice & he said she was more like a thin, 8 weeks old chick.

Little Goldie's been inside for the past week, and her decline became more rapid each day. Both feet & legs became totally useless - and she tried to move herself with her wings, or just laid on her side. She couldn't stand to even poop, or get on a roost. I changed out her bedding daily - so she wasn't covered in her own mess.

I held her a lot, gave her lots of her favorite treats the last day or two especially. She was so gentle, but just never flourished, and at barely 1 lb. - she was very small for a 9 month old hen. I held her last night, & she kept closing her eyes and leaning her little head against me. She was leaving us - I knew... and it was past her time to go. She died last night.

When I got her & all my chicks, they had been vaccinated for Mareks, and because of this vaccine now, I'm told her blood work will show her positive for Mareks - whether it was Marek's or just the fact that she was neurologically damaged & a runt. Sending her for an autopsy is very pricy... and my husband said how far are we really going to take this - and what would be the result? (He was very understanding about Goldie's vet visit and that co$t).

So... in the end, I've decided: Marek's or not - I am going to continue to provide all the best care I can possibly provide to these wonderful little chickens. I'll continue with the healthy, immune building & supporting supplements like Probios, ACV, garlic, healthy fresh herbs, yogurt, veggies etc - that I use to supplement the girl's balanced layer crumble feed.
I keep a really clean coop (I've had 3 friends jokingly ask if they could live in the coop & if I'd take care of them too... hah)... but all kidding aside, I truly love having chickens. So Marek's or not, I will continue to care & provide for them to the best of my skill, to raise healthy, happy hens who lay beautiful eggs for us and our family & friends... and deal with what ever comes along.
P.S. I did notify the local health dept... and it's not a reportable disease in this area, and they didn't seem to be overly helpful, or too concerned.
:hugs I'm so sorry to hear about Goldie :hugs
I am glad that you did get to spend a little more time with her and she got to feel your warmth, love and cuddles. Such a bittersweet way to go.

It's good that you did see the vet and received more information.
I agree, even if it was Marek's, there is not much that can be done but to provide your flock with good nutrition and take good care of them they way you have been.

I hope all the rest of your girls thrive, are happy and healthy for many years to come.
:hugs I'm so sorry to hear about Goldie :hugs
I am glad that you did get to spend a little more time with her and she got to feel your warmth, love and cuddles. Such a bittersweet way to go.

It's good that you did see the vet and received more information.
I agree, even if it was Marek's, there is not much that can be done but to provide your flock with good nutrition and take good care of them they way you have been.

I hope all the rest of your girls thrive, are happy and healthy for many years to come.
Thank you so much... <3 xoxox
Aww. I’m so sorry. I think this is the first time I’ve cried over someone else’s loss of their chicken. This one just got me. You did a wonderful job with her and she was loved for her short life. Big hug.
Aww.... @micstrachan ... that just brought tears to my eyes... thank you for your kind words - to you & everyone. It truly means so much.... xoxox
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