Buff Orpington

Mine are very friendly---I love them!
Good egg layers too.

I have a question... I just bought Buff Orpingtons and want to add some different breeds with them but read somewhere that when they are mixed in with other chickens, they tend to be picked on. Is this true? What are the best breeds that will get along with them?
I had my 3 mixed with Ameraucana's, Barred Rock and Black Australorp and none ever got picked on, I think it may be a space issue if they do, or boredom. They are docile chicks though so if conditions aren't right they may be picked on.
Mine are in with Silver Lace Wyandottes and everyone gets along well. The BO's are the friendliest and start calling to me whenever they hear the back door of the house opening. They also lay beautiful eggs AND can stare down the cats, two important qualities around these parts!
I have one buff orp hen in with some Copper Black Marans, Red Stars, Ameraucanas, Barbanters and Easter Eggers. No one picks on anyone. They were inside all winter too, because the ninnys hated the snow. They wouldn't leave their smallish coop. So, in my very limited experience, our sweet buff orp does fine in the group.
Her pretty pinkish eggs are big and beautiful.
I had two BO's that were bred and hatched locally, and they were both extremely friendly. Both ended up being roos, but they were so docile and loved to sit in my 2 year old's lap. One of them would fall asleep while I stroked his wattles.

I ordered three BO's from Ideal this past November, and they are all completely anti-social. They are unfriendly, skittish, and one of them even runs from the rest of the birds in the flock. It's so strange! They aren't being picked on, if anything they pick on others. I gave one BO to a friend, and the BO stomped a little Sultan and he died. I am so displeased with their personalities because we raise our birds as pets...these have behavior that I would expect from a leghorn or something, not from a sweet, pretty BO.

That being said, I think they are supposed to be friendly if they are bred right because my first ones were wonderful, and that's why I decided to get more. Just don't order your BO's from Ideal!
Hatchery birds are typically not selected for temperament like breeder birds are. My buff orps have excellent temperaments and are friendly and to some extent pesty. They follow me everywhere I go and I have a couple hens I can't even hold a conversation around, because they continuously peck at the back of my legs begging to be picked up or paid attention to. lol Mine are lap babies. They like when you sit outside and talk to them and yes, they chatter back to you.
I find them my most interesting breed. Massive birds that think they're cuddle puppies.

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