Buff Orpingtons 3 M.O. - Hens or Roosters? Help!


7 Years
Jun 9, 2012
Hi! I bought 3 buff orpington pullets, who are now almost 3 months old. 2 of them have had bigger combs and wattles than the other one. But I thought that was just some variation. But now the combs and wattles are getting Much bigger, and redder then the other hen. And, these 2 have black feathers, which the other doesn't. And the black tail feathers are becoming more iridescent. Now one one of the"roostery hens" is crowing, although it sounds more like a dying lamb than a cock a doodle. "She" also raises her neck feathers when she does it.

I'm such a newbie, I have no idea if these are hens anymore! I always thought they were, since they were pullets, and 2 out of 3 seemed hard to imagine that the sexer got wrong! If they are roosters it means that sexer needs a new livelihood. On the other hand, maybe these are just natural variations in hens? And I've heard hens can crow too? They are both friendly, not very aggressive at all. No spurs. I can't have any roosters so this will be sad if they are roos. Thanks for your help!

Here's a bunch of pictures, you can see a profile shot of the buffs with the "definite hen" in the background.

My chickens are now about 4 months old and we have experienced exactly the same thing except for different breeds. We thought that 2/3 of our chickens were roosters, although one turned out to actually be a rooster, none of yours really look like they are. We had the same differences in comb sizes and one hen is so much bigger than the other, so I really don't think that you have to worry about it. Of course if your chicken starts actually crowing with the whole "cock-a-doo-dul-doo" deal, then in my opinion, it is a rooster (I have never heard of crowing hens). I hope I have helped you!
Hi, Thanks hdowden! How can you tell that they are cockerels? What are production reds? Mucho gracias for info
My vote is two cockerels, one pullet.

You see how on the ones with bigger wattles have pointy, glossy neck and saddle (the back feathers near the tail) feathers? Cockerels have those, pullets don't. And one of your cockerels has curvy tail feathers, which hens don't really have.

I think Production Reds are bred-for-laying Rhode Island Reds. I'd guess that's what they are, or maybe some sort of mixes, but they're not Buff Orpingtons, or they're very off-type - Buffs have a more golden buff color, without black (although I've got a BO chick right now who has quite a bit of incorrect sooty black in its feathers, but it's still a buff color).
My vote is two cockerels, one pullet.

You see how on the ones with bigger wattles have pointy, glossy neck and saddle (the back feathers near the tail) feathers? Cockerels have those, pullets don't. And one of your cockerels has curvy tail feathers, which hens don't really have.

I think Production Reds are bred-for-laying Rhode Island Reds. I'd guess that's what they are, or maybe some sort of mixes, but they're not Buff Orpingtons, or they're very off-type - Buffs have a more golden buff color, without black (although I've got a BO chick right now who has quite a bit of incorrect sooty black in its feathers, but it's still a buff color).
I have buff orph and I think you def have 2 cockerels for sure..I cant tell from the photo but the third may be a pullet...But, YES Hens can CROW! So, dont get rid of your hen just for crowing because he may lay eggs soon.

Hens have been known to crow for all sorts of reasons. Hope that helps!
So the consensus is the 2 are cockerels. Can one definitely tell at this age? Just want to be sure because there is a chicken swap tomorrow that I might try to see if anyone wants 2 cockerels. We'll be sad to let them go!

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