Buff Orpinton gender on these 2??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
I have 2 Buff Orpintons that I need help with. Both are between 6-7 weeks. I am new at this!
The first 3 are of Nugget.

The next 3 are of Buffy.

Thanks! So far we have 2 out of 8 that are roos. Not happy! Hopefully not more.
Well, they're rather pinkish combs and faces for females that age, but not beyond normal boundaries for decently healthy chooks who always color up far quicker, even as young as a week old; to get a better guess I'd need to see the ones you're comparing them to.

At this stage, that's not obviously male levels of wattle and comb development, though the coloring is a bit unusual for the average chook you see at that age.

Best wishes.
Me three

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