Bug zapper placement


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
Jacksonville, FL
Mosquitoes, flies, and gnats are driving me crazy in the backyard, but especially the mosquitoes. So, I got a big bad bug zapper. Seems like most people hang them under the roof or something else so it doesn't get wet. I don't have a ready way to do that right now, so I'm wanting to just put it on a table out in the open. Do you think that will be ok? Don't want to short out the electricity (and I do have a special cover for where the zapper cord plugs into the extension cord so it doesn't get wet) or cause other problems. Appreciate any advice.

You shouldn't have to have a special cord or adapter. I'm sure they are made to plug in outside already. As for putting it on a table, that would be fine, the only thing I wouldn't like is having to scoop up all the dead bugs off the table. I guess you could feed them to your chickens, but if yours are as picky as mine, and not to mention spoiled, they won't eat dead bugs. The idea of hanging it from your porch or a tree would allow for the bugs to just drop in the grass. We haven't had one in a while but I was thinking about getting one because we have lots of mosquitos too and FLIES!!!
The congregate at the back door just waiting for it to be opened to fly in the house!

Let me know if you have any problems with the electrical aspect of it. My husband is a carpenter and electrician.

Bug zappers are very entertaining!
Wow, did you see the size of that skeeter that just bought it!!!
It should be fine my zapper hung out in the yard with no cover for years. I would also not hang it where your going to be hanging out it attracts bugs.
That's something folks often forget - bug zappers ATTRACT bugs, so place it away from any gathering spot or doorway/entrance.

Some chickens like fresh, hot cooked bugs that fall out of the sky, so don't anticipate they will not eat them. Others, not so much.
Ours are in the run so the girls wake up to a nice protein treat each morning. This keeps the bugs going out there instead of near the house and good for the girls a true win-win!
I was at Home Depot yesterday and was looking at a big one and was telling my husband about your post. The directions are pretty simple.

1. Hang up
2. Plug in
3. Get a bag of popcorn and watch the show!
I would NOT use a zapper. They kill the "good bugs" as they work via light as the attractant. Use a mosquito magnet they target the mosquitoes and other annoying bugs that are attracted to humans/ animals as they use heat CO2 and other "scents" to attract the biting bugs. I live way up here in Maine and we have ALLOT of water so we have a HUGE population of mosquitoes, black flies ( if you do not know what these are count yourself lucky) and no see ums. Our yard was almost unusable for much of the summer as in less then ten min outside you would get hundreds of mosquitoes on you not to mention the countless bites. The first year with he magnet the population has been cut WAY down to almost nothing my wife grandson and I can go out and play or just sit without bug spray all over us or be forced to sit in a screen house.

And no I do not work for them or sell them or make any money from them but I should..
Good point but I haven't had a lot of experience with a bug zapper getting my good bugs. Usually the good ones aren't flying around at night. I LOVE lady bugs, and spiders, even ants at times (they eat my aphids) and my favorite bug is a praying mantis. I even love bees and wasps (the wasps eat my cabbage worms). I usually just see mosquitos, and moths because those are the main ones that come out at night and are attracted to light. Not saying a stray good bug wouldn't make it to the light.

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