Bugs in wheat straw..WTF..?!?


Oct 31, 2021
North Carolina
I picked up a bale of wheat straw from my local ACE store. I had to leave it in my trunk because it rained all day. So the following morning, not only did I discover a mouse...who is now living in my car..šŸ˜«.. but tons of teeny/ tiny brown bugs... What are they!?
I'm not going to put the hay in the coop...hubby is going to burn it. But now I'm freaking out, because I buy fresh bales about 2 a month...and I'm worried that I just never noticed the pests...and could they hurt my hens.šŸ˜„
Thanks for any help --
I dont have have pictures, but I looked online .. could be straw mites, which are kinda beneficial because they eat other bugs... But I can't get past the idea of " mites" being in my run/ coop. šŸ˜³
I'd burn it too if you are seeing the straw itch mites.
They can't live on humans, but they do bite and can leave you with an itchy rash. I assume they could be an irritant to the hens too depending on how bad the straw is infested.

Hope you catch that mouse!.
Little brown bugs don't know what you're dealing with the ones I have dealt with will come to light and drive you nuts when baling at night.
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I have heard others say that mites can be introduced by bringing in bales of straw. This person said to always shake the bale on white paper to check for them. I prefer to use pine shavings or sand for bedding.

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