Building a pond - step by step - mostly complete post71

That pond is outstanding! I'm wondering if there are any updates? How has it weathered out the last year? How much ( or little ) of a PITA is it to keep clean?
That pond is outstanding! I'm wondering if there are any updates? How has it weathered out the last year? How much ( or little ) of a PITA is it to keep clean?

It's 2 years old now. I added a few more timbers around the garden edge so I could add in some more mulch a week or two ago.
We did have a leak at one point after a huge storm (TS Lee) that sunk the filter box down a tiny little bit. Disassembled the filter box and got that fixed. I don't even recall now what it was, but once we identified it, it was a quick/easy/cheap fix.

Only thing we'd have done differently is to put a drain in the filter box. It was in the plans, I let DH talk me out of it. That filter gets NASTY. Really disgusting lol
The water is always green and gross, but the ducks don't care and it is clean coming from the filter - but 5 ducks poop a lot. It doesn't get algea blooms or anything and doesn't smell. If you drain it after 6 months, then is smells lol But hose it down a little and the smell goes away.
We only clean it 2-3 times a year. I may try to clean the filter box a bit more, but 1 month or 6 months, it will still be nasty gross disgusting and any other word you can come up with for it, so maybe 2x a year is a better option for that LOL
I'll go take a pic in a few.
Wow! That pond is fantastic! A far cry from my "mudhole". Now that I have a decent trail to the pond, I'm going to get to work!
Your thread and my growing ducks inspired me to get in gear. I have an old Koi pond liner that I am going to use for the ducks- much smaller than your beautiful pond, but i only have 2 ducks, and already have the pond.
Thanks for posting- your pond is gorgeous!
pics from a few mins ago

That is a work of art! mine would go ape if they saw that... truthfully? you'd end up with the 3yo lab in it here.
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