Building a pond - step by step - mostly complete post71

Hi, don't mean to jump in like this. I haven't been on for a long time. I've been working on my new chicken and duck area since april. Anyway i have found a solution to keep ducks out of my plant pond, it's the plastic half inch chicken screen. I put steaks in and tied the screen to the steaks. I hope you can see it in the pics. I have also found grass they DON,T eat so they have sade and it's pretty too. Anyway hope these pics work well enough so you can see what i'm talking about. Hope it helps.
The pond i'm talking about is the waterfall on the right of the pic.



The grass i'm talking about is green and white. There are even gold fish and a few frogs in the pond and the ducks can't get them.
very cool pond! I want one...
does your little pond stay that clear? or do you have to drain it?
Nice ponds everyone!! Makes me get the itch to do one for my ducks too!! I have an idea but I am still taking in all of your clever ideas for filtering! Maybe next spring!? I want to do a natural looking water feature/ pond with live plants as well.
Thanks for "jumping in"! Your set up looks really nice and natural. ....but is that a beach umbrella for those adorable ducks????

Hi Missy5 - I love your pond. What kind of filter do you have and how is the maintenance, upkeep on it. I would love for DH to build our little duckies something like this.

hey missy, what kind of duck is the white and gray one you have? it looks awesome and i want one now, or is it a hybrid?
I so want a duck pond!!! Right now I have 3 adults and 4 ducklings, tomorrow I will be getting 8 Rouens' and 5 Khaki Campbell's. I'm thinking of 2 drakes of each breed then all hens from their. I'm using a small kiddie pool right now. I'm thinking of getting a much larger pool or just digging a hole by the swamp for natural filtering. I have ducks and chickens they are so fun to watch.
Had my big pekins all goofy this morning. Finally got out the BIG kiddie pool (that I bail with buckets) and boy were they excited to have it back after winter. They got so excited they started the scuba duck diving moves lol. I was surprised how long they could stay under water! (I kept the two small easy dump kiddie pools in use all winter)

until I get my pond I've decided to have a large kiddie pool that they can paddle in and do some underwater swimming (and only gets drained once a week or so - depending on how bad or hot it is I might do it sooner) AND a couple small kiddie pools that I empty daily so they can have a fresh clean and cool dip. I also like to float fresh chopped up greens like chickweed on top of the fresh pools and throw a bit of scratch in for them too.

I find it hard to imagine that ANY filtration system will keep up with my ducks - but who knows. Even still - when I have a pond deep enough for them to go butt up in, I think I'll start off smaller until I see how it goes. And EVEN THEN, I think I like having the smallest kiddie pools available that I can easily tip and drain on a daily basis for fresh cold dips. They seem to appreciate it so much.

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