Building an emergency kit for the chicks...what to add?


6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Stanton, KY
Since I am going to be going into town tomorrow I realized that I should put together some emergency supplies for the chicks just in case one gets sick or hurt on a weekend or evening since the closest feed store that sells those sort of supplies is an hour away.

Right now I have blue coat and some of that "save a chick" powder stuff but was wondering what else would be good to have on hand for emergencies. I get a little confused when I look at all the "chicken health" things on the shelf especially when it comes to what does what -- like I was thinking of getting some of that Vet RX but am not even sure what it does...

Any suggestions would be helpful.
VetRX- relieves symptoms of colds or respiratory ailments
Corid or Sulmet- treats cocci
SafeGuard goat wormer- rids worms in poultry
Seven Dust- rids mites and fleas on poultry
Syringe w/ no needle- to administer meds or force feed
Wrap- wrap a severe wound
Vetericyn- very good disinfectant for wounds
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That's a great list! Sevin dust ( It's technically an insecticide for gardens ) kills lice as well :) I would also grab a vitamin supplement as well to help them recover if they do get sick.
great list and thank you!

Is Seven Dust also like DE? I do have some of that as well that I will be using in the run - would I also need the Seven Dust?

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