Building my new coop.


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
Upstate NY
Well, I don't know if you all saw my pictures of what happened to my old coop after flooding from Hurricane Irene, but everything was a total loss. We have started over in a new home, and after searching for an already built shed to convert to a coop came up empty, I decided to just have a 12x12 built. Construction started today, and they got a floor, and the start of a wall done before the snow really started coming down. I would say, not bad for day 1. :)

Oh, and since someone on my Facebook already felt the need to point out that it is "slanted".... The coop is perfectly level. It is my phone that was slanted..... :)
I'd say that you have gotten a really good start, to bad it's snowing but I'm sure that you will get back at it when the weather permits. Yeah, Spring. How many chickens are you going to have?
We got like 8 inches of snow.... But we are hoping to get more done on it tomorrow. I should also say that the ground is really uneven there, which is why the feet or whatever are different heights. :)

I will post pictures of the progress we make tomorrow! :)

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