Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

We are warming suddenly too, 50's for the week, it's a heat wave.

Your pens are looking really good, your chickens appear happy, but I bet they are wondering when they get to go home. Nice job, it's been a long time coming for you.
I bet they are! LOL. Poor kids. They'll get used to it. Thanks, I like how the main part turned out so far, still those few things to complete, but we had to wait for the other buildings to be vacated to scavenge plywood from them. My poor husband and I have been so stiff at the end of each day, we can barely move.
About the time y'all work yourselves back into shape, you'll be done!

We always used to build something and joke about it being our exercise program. Can't eat while you're sawing and hammering, either!

I checked on everyone in the barn. They are all on the roost (except those that can't get on one, of course). The 15 watt bulb in the brooder lamp clamped above the bantam pen and pointing upward gives everyone plenty of light and it's less wattage than five nightlights in various buildings. Plus, this building is locked. The garage door has a master lock on the outside and the entry door has a key lock. I'm going to make them stay in for a couple of days before I let any group out to free range. We will have a large pen surrounding the barn soon, but until then, free ranging inside the perimeter fence is what they'll have to do.

Wynette is on Day 18 tomorrow with 8 eggs. All showed normal development a couple of days ago when I candled. I just am crossing fingers that she will be more normal this time and not assassinate them as they hatch. I may have to put a chair in the coop to supervise the first chick hatching and see how she reacts to it.
I just love this! You both did a fantastic job!! I am excited to hear how chores went this morning--- I bet it sure was nice to have them all in one place!!
.....and what a nice place to sit, eh?!
She is still in the old coop, still not a bad place. I don't want to upset her this close to her hatch.

They are probably thinking they are in heaven, we'll have to see picture with everyone inside.
I had to add a board above Atlas's nest box. He and Becca and he and Panda were on their top roost bar and face to face with the big guy at the fence. Those old women are cantankerous as heck and want to spar with him. I'll take pics when Wynette moves in with her chicks, provided she doesn't kill them. Not sure what to do with Ida, may move her to the little bantam coop to raise hers if I think she and Wynette won't get along or will kill each others' chicks.
Today's work. While DH built a separation cage for the wall (which is now occupied by Caroline), I started taking down fencing on other coops that will either be torn down or no longer be used as coops.

The little coop, back left, will remain a coop for a hen with chicks or for whatever reason I need to separate a small group. It's very small, about 3'8" w x 7'6" long interior space but has a covered pen and lots of light. The one on the right will be a workshop/storage bldg-after removing the fence, will use the posts in the new fence or the garden and the chainlink gate will be the entry gate to the barn area.

This bldg is being torn down so I did not do the maintenance on it that it needed. So much rotten trim (didn't use treated back then), foundation sank and twisted the building a bit, etc. It will sure open up my view to part of my pasture without it there.
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