Building new coop - Exterior plywood?

I used regular plywood for both my coops. I built them early Spring of last year and they still look new. I put 3 coats of paint (just to be safe) all around the outside and edges and so far so good! We plan on building a small barn/large shed type of thing this Spring to house several types of chickens, and we plan on using plywood again...and lots of paint. We just have to repaint every so many years to keep it protected, but I don't mind doing this
this is exactly what I was thinking, unless you have unlimited funds? hey you could even use cement fiber siding!!! it's all relevant to your pocketbook!!! but remember to prime and paint!!

I am putting a good coat of Kilz latex primer on all wood surfaces before painting with a good quality house paint. I used Hardi-backer board for the coop floor, and a piece of Hardi-backer siding as a kick-board all around the bottom edge. The coop floor and the floors of both exterior nesting boxes are going to be painted with 2-part epoxy garage floor paint which will make the floors invulnerable to chicken poop. The paint is so tough that no chicken will ever scratch through it.​

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