building paradise for the birds

so here is some pics of the purple peafowl...the following day....also got a bunch of trees cut and placed into the pheasant getting things to build two brooder for the svart honas that are coming from bryce from ewe crazy farm and gff....i believe they are sending them out today and tomorrow and the cemanis also from this week will have them all....going to order a large quail breeder pen...cant wait...things are coming together....
Hi, Those peafowl are so beautiful. Hows the quail and the new chicks doing? Have a good night.
i tried putting one of the quail into the breeder pens but they are still to small im building some brooders for chicks, young adults and then im getting the large breeder pen from has 15 separate pens...cant wait for that to show up...cause i know they will grow fast and produce at an alarming rate...anyways chicks are doing great..i almost bought 12 isa browns today at tsc to make the chick count an even 100 but i night everyone...time for a movie and to relax





Hey I'm Amanda! This is the homemade chicken tractor I just recently built. It still needs some wheels but it works for now. :) And these are my chicks. I've got 26 French Black Copper Marans and I just hatched 10 Easter Eggers
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nice job...going to be working on the hoop coops today...see yah guys....thanks for joining...its been a fun journey and met alot of great people on here from all over the world...
Amanda ur birds r beautiful!! Chicken tractors I love using chicken tractors now that I built one for my barnyard mix breeding pen. Just a tip I would put 2-3 pvc feeders in there it is SO much easier to move since u don't have to get in there to pick them up. Also on mine I put the tube feeder stick out of the top for super easy filling.

Hoping I can get some CCL or Icelandics to breed instead of mixes but I am new to this and am taking it 1 step at a time.

Sorry about the mess... We r just about finished getting this place cleaned up..

Amanda ur birds r beautiful!! Chicken tractors I love using chicken tractors now that I built one for my barnyard mix breeding pen. Just a tip I would put 2-3 pvc feeders in there it is SO much easier to move since u don't have to get in there to pick them up. Also on mine I put the tube feeder stick out of the top for super easy filling.

Hoping I can get some CCL or Icelandics to breed instead of mixes but I am new to this and am taking it 1 step at a time.

Sorry about the mess... We r just about finished getting this place cleaned up..

super cool coop and great idea with the pvc...i need somesort of automatic feed and water working on the design for the auto water...that part will be easy....but the feed with be abit more difficult...


Cool shirts they look great!!!!!!

My gosh those quail grow faster than weeds!!! Same with the chicks!!
Man everything's looking great. Seems bluberries are in this year. Lol a lot of people planting or send and year in. Still can't get over how many chicks you've hatched in such a short time. And even still you see some at the tsc and you get the itch. Haha. You're gonna have to bring me one of those shirts too. :)

Amanda and Holmes, both nice builds. Would be nice to have flat ground. I have to level before I build.
I would be happy to have a few mmarans, just saw a friends roos the other day and he is majestic to say the least. Hugest waddles and comb.
Well back to the grind.
Hey birdman, Thought I'd stop in and catch up a bit on the posts. Everything looks great! That peacocks tail.....OH WOW! So pretty
. I like the hoop idea. And the tube feeders are great advice. My daughter and I did an official count yesterday on our chickens. We have 99 total. You and I think alike because we are going to a chicken swap this weekend-gotta make it an even 100-or maybe over 100......................ahhhhh, CHICKEN MATH!!!!!!!!!!

Today I am putting bird netting on a make shift insolation pen I made out of skids. Just in case I do get more birds. I want speckled Sussex hens. But have not been able to find them. I had some ordered from my local feed store, because the hatchery I called said they were sold out and any they had would be sent to this feed store. Then the feed store called and told me the eggs were infertile and they have no chicks available.
I have the most beautiful SS rooster (Sue) but every pullet I have bought has either turned out to be a rooster, died, or got eaten by DHs English setter.
If, by the end of this summer, I still have no SS hens, I am changing my game plan and selling or giving away Sue.

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