building paradise for the birds










So this is how many eggs I currently have in the incubators and another gqf is on its way.....

Oh yeah did u guys see the quail. By next month I will have Tennessee red, button, and tibetiN range quail

Edited to add the new design for the moveable brooder.
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Think you'll ever sell quail eggs? I lost my only quail rooster and can't hatch anything.

One day I hope to have a setup as nice as yours! :thumbsup
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Gotta get things done running on empty


Joker hanging on sunbathing with two svart Hona roosters that are about a year old


First set of gamefowl onto the coops. They look like they are in rough shape. They sure are feisty in the brooders


I set so many eggs this week and ordered another incubator. Gunna be busy


Lacy gamefowl hen


Miner blue rooster.
Well Easter was good to me and now tomorrow mom is coming up here to fly to Vegas. So excited for sure. Funny part is we're r going to be going to a farm and horseback riding when we get out there then when we get back we r going to go to another farm.
Here are some pics.








So 105 Tennessee red quail eggs came from North Carolina also 9 Malay fowl eggs came from cally. We r setting close to 200 eggs and putting close to 100 into the hatcher. The guineas and believe the reeves have started to lay eggs. Cleaned out the corner coop fresh straw in nest. Perches up and in different spots plus extra perches. Eggs collected. Also got first coat on the 16x20'. Mae started to plant some fruits. Can't wait. Got some more bulbs to.
Got watering cups and the thread tabs are coming on Friday so when I get back I have to upgrade the waters. Please excuse the mess it's been to muddy to do anything. There is the design of the watering solution I have. And then 19 oriental gamefowl just hatched and sold them all already. Getting some button quail eggs and some silver pheasants and some swinhoe pheasants eggs. Can't wait see u guys soon.
so everyone must know the importance of proper building for future problems....well didn't see this one I was collecting eggs when I heard my male dog start I go and check here it is my male reeves pheasant and him fighting thru the fence. I was screaming at him to stop but by the time I got there it was to late. the reeves stuck the dog in the face a few time drew blood and that made my dog joker mad and when the rooster stuck his head thru the fence the dog killed so mad right now....I always say proper preparations prevents poor performance. I just ate my own words. not in a million years did I think something like this could happen....bummer. well all packed up and mom is on her way. cant wait. nervous could I be?
so everyone must know the importance of proper building for future problems....well didn't see this one I was collecting eggs when I heard my male dog start I go and check here it is my male reeves pheasant and him fighting thru the fence. I was screaming at him to stop but by the time I got there it was to late. the reeves stuck the dog in the face a few time drew blood and that made my dog joker mad and when the rooster stuck his head thru the fence the dog killed so mad right now....I always say proper preparations prevents poor performance. I just ate my own words. not in a million years did I think something like this could happen....bummer. well all packed up and mom is on her way. cant wait. nervous could I be?

Yep.... Been there... done that.... if it can happen it will... I like your attitude though each was following its instinct the only thing to do is beef up the enclosure with hardware cloth...

love reading your progress stories... I dont comment often but I do read them.

So mom just got back home from our trip to Las Vegas. I think she liked it. I'll post a couple of pics now and then a couple of pics from our trip. It we did get some building done. The other incubator came and all I have left is room for one tray.








This is what is called a gavalan hatch gamefowl. We will just start off with this. If u are not experienced handling birds DO NOT get this type of bird. I purposely got this type of bird for a reason I want to challenge myself and force myself to learn how to properly handle the roosters after my incident with my butcher. I just want to say this type is truly a man fighter. Not something u want or want to breed with and extremely dangerous and hard to handle gamefowl. This bird attacks everything. And that is y he has his own coop. He is not human friendly at all. And that is the reason y he has his own attack rooster sign on his cage he is no joke and u can tell every pic I got he was right there in my face.




This is an unrelated trio of lacy gamefowl and they are so nice compared





Vegas trip

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