Building run


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 30, 2013
Hi all, I have already built a movable coop, Now I am brain storming the run. I have access to 1/2" metal conduit and was thinking of using this to frame the run and covering it w/ wire. Has anyone used 1/2" before? if so how does 1/2" hold up? I plan on being able to remove the run when I move it around then reattach it.
Well I went ahead and built the run out of 1/2" inch conduit. It came out good and is detachable from the coop to make relocating easier. I used 14 ga welded wire. and that gave it some strength.

Here it is. This is 5'x5'x4' wide. Wire on bottom also, and secured to coop with conduit anchors. Its a small movable coop for 3-4 hens. Built the coop out of recycled material.

Well I decided on 5 bantams.These girls were hatch last summer/fall and had never been outside I left them in the coop for the rest of the day (this rain is getting old) It was fun watching them timidly poking their heads out the pop door but curiosity over came them and now their exploring the run. Plus I was rewarded with 3 eggs so far.
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