Building stacked rabbit cages


7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
Hey there! I'm planning on building stacked, outdoor, rabbit cages. Does anyone have any pictures of cages they've made? I want to build one that is simple, sturdy, and low cost.

I really love this one by NellaBean!

Post away!
why so small of cages> my rabbits are bigger and I have them in 8' long and 4' across and 22" high with a box on one end for them to get out of the heat or cold. with hay in for them to eat and keep warm. NO harshness here ok. just wonder why so small I see the rabbit are small but are they inside rabbits or outside? are they in a garage or building to be out of the weather? and why stact them, I don't see why you stack them. Are you to breed them?? Just wondering here>

I breed Lionheads. I need cages for them to live in. I currently have 5, but want to adopt more.
I have a coop and a run for 4 of my other rabbits and I really love knowing they have enough space so I understand where your coming from. I don't want to keep them in the cages all the time, I plan to build a run so I can let each out for exercise everyday.
My backyard just doesn't have room for five 8ft long runs and I can't keep them together because they breed and fight.
I agree that the cage in the picture is small. I have a hutch I bought from a pet store that I like the size of, I'm planning on making them all that size. My rabbits comfort and well being comes first. Also, they are stacked because it takes up less space and it's all conveniently in one place. I currently have 5 separate hutches and it just looks messy and unorganized. Not saying that you can't buy hutches and make it look really nice, but I just prefer the stacked.
my rabbit cages are 8' X 4 X 22 " high we use the small sqaure stuff for the flooring and the back has wood bottom so they can get off the little squares we call it bunny wire since we use it for the bunny cages. These cagfes are big enough for them to have the babies in and are able to have the mother (doe) with the babies till we a... dispatch them I reckon you call it. I have had one male (buck) to 4 females and I breed twice a year. I don't want my bunnies to be bred to death. I breed now a califirnia mix His is small to a Flemish giant Mix Fenale his daughter. There is nothing of harm to the babies in this they breed with no ill affacts but I had brother ans siter one time every little had a wee one one that was so mall it was not right and the mother refused to feed it I tried but it we knew would never ome to adulthood but I gave it a chance it would be a specails needs all it's life but it didn't make it pass a few weeks as all that she had so I killed the brother and got another male and make sure it is not brother and sister. When you get your bunnies make sure they are not that close in relation or you will have problems with the littlers ( kindle I think they are called I use litter cause everyone knows what a little is)

I didn't mean to sound mean here either I just hoped they were not in the tight cages all the time. MY husband daughter had a rabbit a rex and it was in a very small cage it could not turn around in it she let it out to play every day for how long I don't know but seeing it in the cage well I felt bad for it even if you have one in a cage that small it is not good they need room to at the very least to turn around your cages are big enough for this but I do have one question if you don't have room to have so many and you have to stack them why get so many one rabbit can have 1 to 10 in my expireince and to have 10 babies at a time assuming lets say all of you females have this that is a lot of bunnies I am sure you don't plan to breed all at once.

I had a caleder I marked when I bred it is 30 31 days mine would drop off (have babbies, if it is to cold thay may not take I don't breed in winter I ost too manuy litters being to cold. The can have false pregnancies to had a few like that they will not mate whiel pregnant is the rule but I had one that bred all the way through she didn't look likie it took and she bred up till she had babies a months later she had more not doing that again. all lived all was fine but this is rare. Don't use treated wood if you build th cages in wood the treated wood has a pesticide in it so the bugs will not eat it I didn't know if it woulod hurt the babies or the rabbit. Have something for them to chew their teeth grows all the time all their life. Ever see a rabbit with long teeth this is because it didn't have anything to chew to keep the teeth worn. I put a block of untreated would in you can use any kind of fruit tree nut tree to it is a friut tree. and they need hay and water all the time a clean cage or they can get something called wet tail I had a doe that got this it was so bad and she was just awful so I dispatched her babies (this is normal not beccause of the wet tail) and her with them but as I looked she had this yellow all over her body under the skin she went in the ground as did the remains. She was to sick.

You may also want to fiond a vet that knows of rabbits not all do I had goats and when a emergency came up I din't have a doctor and my husband took care of it she was pregnant and was having the baby but it got stuck he pulled it from her she was not to have any more. but I didn't have a goat dr. later I found one. There is no rabbit vets here so all I know is what I have lerned trhough the years and boards like this is a great help I also didn't have a compuiter then either.

I have a veast knowledge so anything I can help you with I will be glad to help if you need help.

I never want you to think I was talking down to you or anything ok. mostly just wanting to know. you should do fine HONESTLY

I'm not new to rabbits, I just started breeding them, but I know how to breed because I've done it before.
My kits come into my house until they are old enough to live outside (depends on the weather) so I'm not worried about not breeding during the winter. Also, I breed my rabbits one day, wait 12 days, palpate them, and re-breed them if they are not pregnant. This way I don't breed a pregnant doe, which can kill both litters and the doe.

All mine are pedigree and pure breed lionheads. I have "so many" because they are dwarfs and only have 2-5 kits per litter and I don't want to over breed them.
As for the cages, I would never think of putting them in a cage where they can't turn around. My cages are quite spacious, I just would like for them to have a run so they have a change of scenery and more room to roam. The stacked cages are what breeders use so you can have more cages in a smaller space; one on the top the other as opposed to them all needing their own spot.

I do know a rabbit vet, one of mine is seeing him currently.

The lionhead's glory is it's mane, when they are put together in cages they will chew on eachother's manes. It's best to keep them separate. Also if one gets sick it doesn't get any of it's cage mates sick.

Breeding rabbits isn't a business for me, it's a passion.
Thank you for your concern, I will make sure I'm taking care of them to the best of my ability.
sorry thoughtyou were new, I was trying to help you but you seem to have it all together. I have been breeding my for 10 years but I breed big bunnies for food, I don't know how you feel on this but it has helped the food index here we eat deer more then beef actually it is better for you deer is and rabbit does taste like Chicken odd though how this can be. I had got a female from the fleamarket and you know you can not truely enjoy a breed till you see it in your own litter. I had this one she must of had been with a loin head it was so nice but I don't breed to sell and I tried to keep it but then it would be a pet and then all my bunnies would have to die if I had a pet so it went with the rest of them but I sent pictures to me son he wanted to see it. I would of gave it to him but my father didn't want him to have any animals. It was nice the head hair was nothing I have seen before I only saw pictures.
Im am curious as to how much you sell your bunnies for no I can bay any but it is just to store in the memory banks incase I ever need the information. My bunnies I first got long ago waas 5 bucks now I pay 20 for them and they are not easy to come by like before I have a fleish mix her mother was full bred but it was hit and miss as to if she would so I took her daughter I have a califonia mix he is smaller but he is always ready most of my n=males have been ready and want to mate. I had one Kratos off the God of war the name is from he wanted to attack all females and I left one in while I did my feeding of critters I went back and she bit him on the nose which was not so good I had to dispatch him he was no use to me. I usaully watch to see they mate, do you keep watch or have a ear oout for them. I read someowhere not to leave them alone I thought went I went to do the other critters I would be able to hear trouble but I didn't I take no chances now I am right there if there is any trouble I can put the female out.

Do you have pictures of your bunnies more then in a cage, I see what you mean as for stacking it is a smaller space to keep them, Have you kept them out side before? my bunnies are outside all the time they do well in winter as long as there is hay in the back but I hate cleaning the cages in winter the poop gets stuck FROZEN and I can't get it out so I have to wait till it warms up enough to get it out and the water bottle break so I go to ceramic ones big bowls the water freezes in them to and I have to use warm water to get the ice out and cold water to put in I don't fill it that way I can put more in it but I will have to get all the ice out one day because no more water can get it.

I originally was going to breed meat rabbits, I love the taste of rabbit, but I found the Lionhead breed and fell in love.

Lionheads are a pet breed, not for meat, so you can sell them for more. I sell mine for $70-100 right now depending on quality.

All my rabbits live outside, due to allergies of a family member. I live in California so it doesn't get very cold. They do just fine during the winter, they like it much more than the summer.
I have spoken with other rabbit breeders and they say keeping them outside during the winter is fine, so that's what I continue to do. They of course come into the house to have their kits and the kits remain in the house till they are old enough to move outside with their mom.

I always supervise my rabbits when I'm breeding them. I like to know if they doe is accepting the buck and if they are getting along. I breed mine 6 times in 1 day to insure they get pregnant.
I then palpate on the 12 day and re-breed if it was unsuccessful the first time.

You can click the link in my signature to see my rabbits on my website.

Thanks for offering advise, I will come to you if I have any questions arise.
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