Building things for your chicken / coop

Welcome to BYC    chickens also like swings, brightly colored small balls  they can push or chase.   Hanging cabbage balls.    As a special treat around holidays they can clean off a turkey or chicken carcass in no time.  I mention holiday, generally cold weather, so the turkey etc. won't get rancid.

You can also get Kong toys for small dogs and fill with peanut butter or other favorites and let the chickens work to get it out.   They also love meal worms and crickets. Or if you shovel up a clump of sod  and turn it dirt side up for them to explore.
What is kong toys? And sod? Sorry i dont know
This is a Kong toy:

And the term "SOD" means.......DIRT! Just take a shovel and get a 'slice' of grass with the dirt from underneath.

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