Bully chick


5 Years
Nov 2, 2014
Okay I just got my chicks today and there are already bullying problems! This little gal is the biggest and just runs around pecking everyone's faces and legs and trying to pull on others legs while they sleep! She is very friendly towards me though and comes running to me any time I put my hand in. Is there anything I can do to nip this behavior in the bud?
I would separate her for a day, in an appropriate place in the brooder where the temp is perfect in a container with food and water. You can use chicken wire or a plastic/cardboard box (watch that the box isn't too close to the heat lamp of course). Double check temps in the container. Watch for overheating (panting) or cheeping (cold) and then put her back in tomorrow.
She's wanting to be top hen. .. it's called the pecking order I head a black sex link chick who was an absolute jerk went and asked why she was so mean and is cause she's making her place known. And it will change as she gets older.
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I didn't know they can start bullying really early. My first batch of chicken did not start having probs until they start laying eggs. So far I haven't noticed any pecking on my new batch(3 wks olds & 5 week olds)

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