

Apr 21, 2011
Allenton, MI
I have a hen that has always been lowest in the pecking order. It has gotten worse to the point that everyone is now ganging up on her and jumping on her to peck at her. She hears anyone coming and starts freaking out and running away. I think they go after her bc she is so scared. Has anyone tried medicating to help with bullying? I was thinking if I gave her prozac and she wasn't acting like that, maybe it would get better.
First of all is she healthy (eating and laying)? Can you identify an instigator in the attacks? Usually it is one that starts it and the rest follow. If there is an obvious ringleader then it's time to send that one to chicken jail out of sight of the others.
She is healthy. She's 5 and not laying anymore. There's not one specific chicken that starts it...the 4 that weren't original with her all go after her. I've tried locking those ones up in the past and it didn't help for long. I'd love to permanently separate them into 2 groups but my coop isn't set up to do that so that everyone has equal space and access to their run.
If she is 5 years old, I think that the end is near. Chickens can sometimes sense it before humans do, and try and drive it out of the flock.

Mrs K
If it were my hen, I'd consider either separating her with a couple of hens she gets along with, or.... putting her out of her misery. Yes. I did just go there. To me, quality of life is something I consider in my animals. I can't imagine hers is good if she's living in constant fear and getting beat up every time she turns around. One other option could be to find her a home with some gentler chickens that she might get along with.
She's always been the low hen on the pecking order, but it gets worse every summer. I have a saddle on her, but they're going after her head now. I have considered euthanizing her, it's just hard to do when she's physically fine. That's why I was considering prozac, since my only other option seems to be euthanizing her. I wish I had a way to separate her, but my setup doesn't allow for it and for her to be happy too. She's such a good girl, and we've been buds since the beginning...I hate seeing her like this. I took her away from them today and hung out closer to the house, and she just stood in front of me to get love, and even let my 3 month old put her toes into her feathers.
I'm thinking I will try it as a last resort. I was just hoping to get someone on here that has used it before so I have an idea of what to do or what to expect. I have prozac for my cat that is 10 mg/ml, and I found a dose for birds like parrots that is 2-3 mg/kg once a day. I just hate to give it to her and have it go badly.
She's probably not well, and being terrorized isn't making her life better. It's not about Prozac, it's about her health and well-being. A separate pen with compatable friends sounds good, if she's up to that. It may be time to say 'good-by'. Mary
I'm wondering if by giving her Prozac to take away her "fight or flight" response, she will literally become a sitting target. Instead of running and hiding to defend herself, the others may sense weakness and be even worse with her. Of course, there is no way of knowing until you try it. It's just something that came to mind as I was thinking about it.

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