Bumble foot issues please help


Jan 14, 2016
My rooster has what I believe is bumble foot which I know is a staph infection but unlike any of the pictures or stories I have read his does no affect the bottom of his pad but yet his putter right toe which has a big bubble on it without any round black scraps. We have lanced it and soaked it in Epsom salt I tried squeezed get all the pus our but have have very little luck. It started to look like it was getting better and then it stopped. He refuses to stand any more and I don't know what else to do. I don't want to lose my bird so any help or advice would greatly help. He is a very large bird right around 15 lbs and can be on the aggressive side so he isn't the easiest to handle either
Hello and welcome to BYC!

Toe infections don't always respond to cutting like most bumble foot in the pad, but these infections are just as bad. Have you tried antibiotics? You might concider Baytril or Doxcycline. If you know how to give injections, Penicillin is also a good chioce.

Do you have any pictires?
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I can post a picture tomorrow I soaked his foot again tonight in Epsom salt. I have not tried antibiotics cause every feed store around me doesn't carry any and I wasn't sure where else to try or even which ones would be affective on staph. I have been giving him oregano oil and a triple antibiotic cream on his foot.
You can still order many antobiotics on line. First State Vet Supply in Maryland carries both of these.

You might soak his toe in iodine or even a mild bleach and vinegar solution in water.

Staph can go systemic fast so dont wait too long.
Thank you I have looked up the website and found baytril as an injectable would that be appropriate for my bird and if so do you know how many ml/kg would be right for my bird whom is right around 15lbs/6.8kg
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Oddly enough Baytril pills are far more effective than the injectable! LOL Penicillin is the exact opposite. So go with the Baytril pills. The 22.7 mg. I would give him one pill a day, divided into two doses...so half in the morning, the other half in the evening. You can put them in a raisin and he wont know he is being medicated.

Do not use any epsom salt soaks and if you have really hard water, use RO or distilled. Baytril can be less effective with too many minerals and magnesium.

Keep us posted and I sure hope you can get this cleared up soon! :)
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Wait...is he really 15 pounds? Wow! Ok...then I would give him 2 pills a day, one in the morning, one in the evening. :)
Twin City Poultry Supplies in Ohio also carries Baytril and the shipping is cheaper than First State.
Thank you so much I am going to order it right away for him and yes he is. He was never ment to be kept as a pet cause he is a meat bird but he was too pretty to part with so we kept him and he has turned into a big boy I will keep you posted
Great! I will be anxious to hear how he is getting along! Keep him on the meds longer than the directions say. Toe infections are stubborn. So plan on at least a couple of weeks. You might want to take pics of the toe every few days so you can watch the slow healing. I doubt this will go away too awful fast. Poultry feet dont have good circulation.

Keep us updated here as the days go by! :)
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