Bumble foot prevention


5 Years
Jan 9, 2019
I free range my 25 chickens on 7 acres and check feet once a week, I always catch it early but there is almost always a hen with a small black scab on her foot. Is there anyway to prevent bumble foot when they're free ranging? I've only had one hens foot ever swell and it was small enough she was back to normal the next day after removing the core. That being said removing the core is all I've really been doing is that ok in the less serious cases? The scabs are usually found the size of a salt grain or maybe a pepper grain if it's bad enough
It sounds like you are doing fine. Preventing bumble foot is a bit like preventing kids from skinning their knees. No matter how hard you try, it still may happen. It can start with a tiny scratch or cut, which is really hard to prevent considering how chickens live and act. If you have lots of sharp rocks or abrasive things they are walking and jumping up and down from it can cause more risk of it, but it would be pretty hard to make the risk zero. By checking often and taking care of it when it's really small, you are doing the best thing.
I free range my 25 chickens on 7 acres and check feet once a week, I always catch it early but there is almost always a hen with a small black scab on her foot. Is there anyway to prevent bumble foot when they're free ranging? I've only had one hens foot ever swell and it was small enough she was back to normal the next day after removing the core. That being said removing the core is all I've really been doing is that ok in the less serious cases? The scabs are usually found the size of a salt grain or maybe a pepper grain if it's bad enough
We have several new hens and we have this on the bottom of their feet. Can anyone tell me what it is and how to treat it?


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