Bumble foot with no scab

Charlie Stuart

Mar 14, 2023
I have a year-old lavender Orpington hat I think has bubble foot for a few reasons:
1. Her hole leg and ankle is swollen.
2. Her foot and leg are warn/hot to the touch
3. compared to her other (for lack of a better term) Bumb (that is in the middle of the foot where the other toes connect) Its crusty. Not like her other foot that is softer.
The one reason I am not sure its bubble foot is that there is no scab at all.
Can you post a photo of her foot and leg please?


The one my finger is on the bad one.
Bad foot:

Good foot:
I dont see the telltale dark round scab nor redness and swelling on the bottom of the footpad. So, you can rule out bumblefoot.

However, you're right about her swollen leg.
It's possible she might have jumped down from a high place; such as a trash can, picnic table or a high roost and strained or sprained a ligament or tendon in her leg causing the swelling.
See post #4 in this link on how to treat these types of injuries:

Closely inspect your hen for lice and mites. Lice are white or off white in color and are more of an irritant causing feather damage and skin issues.
Mites are more serious. They are black or red in color and suck blood, causing anemia, then death. Permethrin will treat both. The coop will have to be treated as well. Inspect all your birds for these parasites and treat them as needed, then repeat treating them again in 10-14 days to kill nits hatched from eggs.

Also, consider worming your hen and your other chickens as well. Safeguard liquid goat wormer or Valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer will get rid of worms. I primarily use Valbazen. Dosage is 1/2ml given orally to each chicken using a syringe without a needle.
Redose birds again in 10 days.

After worming your birds, including the one in your photos, give them plain boiled rice mixed with buttermilk for a couple of days after worming. Make sure the rice has cooled. Your birds, including the one above should scoff up the boiled rice mixed with the buttermilk. Your bird should recover nicely. Good luck and keep us updated.
I dont see the telltale dark round scab nor redness and swelling on the bottom of the footpad. So, you can rule out bumblefoot.

However, you're right about her swollen leg.
It's possible she might have jumped down from a high place; such as a trash can, picnic table or a high roost and strained or sprained a ligament or tendon in her leg causing the swelling.
See post #4 in this link on how to treat these types of injuries:

Closely inspect your hen for lice and mites. Lice are white or off white in color and are more of an irritant causing feather damage and skin issues.
Mites are more serious. They are black or red in color and suck blood, causing anemia, then death. Permethrin will treat both. The coop will have to be treated as well. Inspect all your birds for these parasites and treat them as needed, then repeat treating them again in 10-14 days to kill nits hatched from eggs.

Also, consider worming your hen and your other chickens as well. Safeguard liquid goat wormer or Valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer will get rid of worms. I primarily use Valbazen. Dosage is 1/2ml given orally to each chicken using a syringe without a needle.
Redose birds again in 10 days.

After worming your birds, including the one in your photos, give them plain boiled rice mixed with buttermilk for a couple of days after worming. Make sure the rice has cooled. Your birds, including the one above should scoff up the boiled rice mixed with the buttermilk. Your bird should recover nicely. Good luck and keep us updated.
ok thank you for the help I will certainly do all these things but what about her leg being hot? could it be an infection? What should I do about her not wanting to eat the is really skinny.
I had a hen that stopped eating and in general was not acting right. I thought she may have eaten and was clogged up deeper in her digestive system.

The vet checked her over and did an X-ray and only then discovered that she had a broken wing. It was close to her body and not drooping at all.

Anyway, Once I got her on a pain reliever her appetite came right back. I had meloxicam from the vet but you could try low dose aspirin. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/lame-chicken.1619927/post-27673805

Great advice in the other thread about keeping her isolated so she can rest.

I also currently have a hen with bumble foot. I noticed she was limping slightly a few weeks ago. Her foot looked like the one you posted but no heat and did not have the black scab so I assumed she just injured her foot pad. The heat makes it sound like a strain or some injury like that. Then last week my hen was limping worse so I checked again and now there is a black scab but no redness. It's the first time that happened,

You could try soaking the foot in an epsom salt bath. That should feel nice for an injury or bumble if it just hasn't worked it's way through yet. I usually have the hen stand with both feet in the tub of water. I also have some treats on hand because they get bored
I had a hen that stopped eating and in general was not acting right. I thought she may have eaten and was clogged up deeper in her digestive system.

The vet checked her over and did an X-ray and only then discovered that she had a broken wing. It was close to her body and not drooping at all.

Anyway, Once I got her on a pain reliever her appetite came right back. I had meloxicam from the vet but you could try low dose aspirin. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/lame-chicken.1619927/post-27673805

Great advice in the other thread about keeping her isolated so she can rest.

I also currently have a hen with bumble foot. I noticed she was limping slightly a few weeks ago. Her foot looked like the one you posted but no heat and did not have the black scab so I assumed she just injured her foot pad. The heat makes it sound like a strain or some injury like that. Then last week my hen was limping worse so I checked again and now there is a black scab but no redness. It's the first time that happened,

You could try soaking the foot in an epsom salt bath. That should feel nice for an injury or bumble if it just hasn't worked it's way through yet. I usually have the hen stand with both feet in the tub of water. I also have some treats on hand because they get bored
the difference with my bird is she can't really use her one foot and limp really bad she manly uses the toes on her bad foot but does not walk that much in general.
the difference with my bird is she can't really use her one foot and limp really bad she manly uses the toes on her bad foot but does not walk that much in general.
I would try the aspirin and see if some pain relief will help with her appetite.

Have you felt up the leg comparing it to the normal one to see if you can feel any injured areas?

You can make a sling to keep her off of it so there isn't pressure while sitting or roosting.

I would try the aspirin and see if some pain relief will help with her appetite.

Have you felt up the leg comparing it to the normal one to see if you can feel any injured areas?

You can make a sling to keep her off of it so there isn't pressure while sitting or roosting.

I got this, its a powder how much should I give her? I gave a small amount in water so far but I don't know how much?


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