Bumble foot?


6 Years
Sep 12, 2016

Is this the beginnings of bumble foot?!
We had a female pekin who had knobs like that in the same spot on both feet. Never bothered her, and she never had any problems. Just keep an eye on it, especially if it's new.
My little girl started like that and we soaked it in hydrogen peroxide and bound it in manuka gauze and vet wrap bandage and after a went or so ito healed completely. Just keep soaking and manuka and fresh dressing and it'll heal!
@RascalAndJemima That isn't normal and maybe bumble I've just never seen it raise up like that but I can see a scab. Keep on doing what you are doing and if you don't see improvement in say a week and you can take her to the vet I would. Unless you noticed her acting off then take her sooner.
Looks a lot like what my duck had. Is the foot warm? We had good results with our treatment.....Soak foot in epison salt then cover  in hydrogen peroxide let dry spray with vetericyn and cover with antibiotic ointment 

Not particularly, no. Gosh, where can I get that list from?
If it does not bother the Duck...The less we mess with things the better off they are...


Thanks guys! It seems the same on both feet where the joint bit is. Maybe just hard pads... Did a salt water soak and sudocreme just incase and can't do any harm. Think she likes the attention as well!

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