Bumble on Toe, or Just a Scab/other Injury?


In the Brooder
Nov 4, 2018
I have a red shouldered Yokohama pullet who had an unknown leg injury (took her to the vet. . no break, seemed to be some type of sprain) that resulted in neuropathy and permanent lameness. She is not in pain anymore, gets around alright and seems to have decent quality of life even if she's a little gimpy.

She does still use her gimpy leg, but she favors one side of her foot (photo) and puts the most pressure on her small toe, which she may also occasionally scrape on the wire in the run, etc. I noticed a black scab on it last week but no swelling; this week I saw swelling and suspected a bumble. I was not planning to operate but just wanted to assess, so I cleaned her foot in warm water. . the scab immediately started coming off, so I went ahead and removed it (photo). I have never dealt with bumblefoot before, but I did not see a "plug" or much stringy white stuff. So, I sprayed with vetrycin, dabbed on some Neosporin and put a bandaid on it. None of my other first aid stuff would stay on. .

Looking for both opinions on how I can better handle this new injury and on what it might be. Thanks!!


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It looks clean to me, so I would continue cleaning it and applying the ointment as you are doing. If she has neuropathy or numbness from her injury, I think she is just putting pressure on that part of her foot when she turns her foot out. Do you think that she could have Mareks disease, or are you convinced that it was nerve damage from an injury? It might be good to keep an eye on the foot, in case it might need some cushioning with a bandage later on.
It looks clean to me, so I would continue cleaning it and applying the ointment as you are doing. If she has neuropathy or numbness from her injury, I think she is just putting pressure on that part of her foot when she turns her foot out. Do you think that she could have Mareks disease, or are you convinced that it was nerve damage from an injury? It might be good to keep an eye on the foot, in case it might need some cushioning with a bandage later on.
Thanks so much for responding! I did worry about Mareks for a while, but this leg issue happened back in July, and it seemed more like an acute injury than a disease in the way she presented. She did seem pretty painful for a few days, but that eventually resolved and just the neuropathy remained, with this new little foot problem as an eventual consequence of how she carries her weight on that toe. None of my other birds have any signs of Mareks. . do you think I should still be worried about it?

I will continue to treat the toe each evening to keep it clean and free of infection. I wonder if there is some way I could help prevent this from continuously developing? She is a constant source of worry for me but she is truly the sweetest bird.
I would not worry about Mareks, since there is nothing you can do about it anyway. It may be that or not. If you lose a bird with unusual symptoms ever die, then get a necropsy. The best way to get a diagnosis is to get one. Later on you might be able to somehow pad the toe if she keeps getting a sore spot there. Also, I would look into leg bone deformities, that can worsen with age. They can cause the foot or leg to turn out or in, and twisting of the bone of the leg. I think that @rebrascora has Mareks in her flock that is milder than some, where some chickens get along okay with mild problems.
I would not worry about Mareks, since there is nothing you can do about it anyway. It may be that or not. If you lose a bird with unusual symptoms ever die, then get a necropsy. The best way to get a diagnosis is to get one. Later on you might be able to somehow pad the toe if she keeps getting a sore spot there. Also, I would look into leg bone deformities, that can worsen with age. They can cause the foot or leg to turn out or in, and twisting of the bone of the leg. I think that @rebrascora has Mareks in her flock that is milder than some, where some chickens get along okay with mild problems.
Thanks again! I will try to figure out a way to keep a pad on the toe down the road. It's such a short little toe.
I have seen on other threads that there are "Birdy Booties" that might help. I can't find the thread now, but I remember that you can find the booties on Amazon. I don't know that it would work for your bird, but I figured it was worth a mention.
I have seen on other threads that there are "Birdy Booties" that might help. I can't find the thread now, but I remember that you can find the booties on Amazon. I don't know that it would work for your bird, but I figured it was worth a mention.
Thanks! I actually had remembered seeing something about duck shoes and then found some chicken booties that I will order today.

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