Bumblefoot in duck? Next step?


Sep 16, 2021
East Texas

Noticed this girl limping earlier in the week. We've had her only about two weeks, so I am guessing a lot of this scabbing happened before we got her. The area most affected seems to be under the center knuckle. I'm not sure if the white showing through on the bottom of that toe is pus or a break in the coloration.

The swelling is noticeable from the top as well (photos below text).

I have her separated and on clean straw in a large wire kennel outside. Soaking in Epsom salts and spraying with Microcyn AH Poultry Care. Do I dare try to lance the white area to remove pus, or ? both heels have the scabs, but her other foot looks normal.

Grateful for any wisdom you wish to share!
After soaking and spraying with Microcyn again, I put her back into the flock. She was walking much better, and happy to be back with her friends. I am going to research vets who are comfortable with birds while keeping a close eye on her and her foot.
So...after a lot more reading and looking at photos, is the scab on the heel covering the source of the problem? If so, this is pretty bad.

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