Bumblefoot operation. First time doing this and I need help.


6 Years
Jun 3, 2013
Los Angeles
I have 9 chickens and most of them have bumble foot Zzz. I'm assuming its from the wood shavings and from jumping up and down the roost. So i worked on two chickens so far.. taking it slowly since I'm super fresh at this. My first chicken i worked on had a veryyyyyyy mild bumble foot and it healed in just a few days. The second chicken i am working on... her right foot is so bad while her left one is just very mild.

This is what it looked like when i peeled the scab back just a little.

Sorry i dont have anymore pics because I was working solo and this pic was taken by my dad but he had to go work on something else afterwards.

Then i peeled off the scab completely. There was a hole in her foot :( i tried to clear aaway the yellow flesh as much as possible even though her foot started gushing out blood. I applied pressure, cleaned it off with a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol. Afterwards i sprayed Vetericyn Hydrogel all over her wound, I placed a gauze drenched with more hydrogel, and i topped it off with another dry gauze. I wrapped up her feet with vetrap too.

Im gonna go to the drug store tmrow to purchase triple antibiotic cream to boost the healing process if possible :O

So yeah, i hope i somewhat did this right. Any tips, and opinions would help a lot!!!

Not taking any credit for this though! This article on bumblefoot helped me http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2011/07/bumblefoot-causes-treatment-warning.html

Sorry. this was also posted on another topic but i wasnt getting any replies and i kind of need them asap. =\

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