Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

I have not done the surgery yet. But I have been hosing the coop down in the morning most days so she is not stepping in muck. I have also been checking the scab. Overnight, the scab is almost gone, but just in case should I be soaking it in epson salt every day so it doesn't spread? Also I was thinking about the cause. I was carrying her above the rock pile in my backyard. She pushed on my arm and fell into it. I was thinking it was a scratch that she got when she fell. But it's August in Florida. And the pavement is burning hot. She steps there a Lot. But ever since she fell in the rock pile she has been limping. It looks better though but the epson salt... :)
I only have 6 chickens and 2 got dark circular scabs on both feet, but there is no swelling or limping! I don't know wether to remove it or not in case of infection, do you think it's bumblefoot?
I only have 6 chickens and 2 got dark circular scabs on both feet, but there is no swelling or limping! I don't know wether to remove it or not in case of infection, do you think it's bumblefoot?
No swelling, no redness, no limping = no surgery. Just observe them and watch for any of the 3 things I mentioned. Then consider soaking and surgery.

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